Timer : from start to beep

After 50 tries and 10 resets it finally worked. And 1) i hate this beeping sound and 2) you can tell your life with a rabbit R1 is pretty miserable when you say “oh my god” in 2024 for starting a 5 minutes timer…

Editing my post : this feature is not released yet and therefore is still Work In Progress. I was “lucky” to launch it after many many tries but what was taped here might not be the final product, and when released, might look different, or sound different.

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@Angus how did you even get this feature? Is it in an update that i didn’t get yet? Thank you a lot for this video!

It’s known to be work in progress and might not represent what it will look like and/or sound like when they release the timer function.
So, you did not miss any update, it must be somewhere in the cloud, and should not be able to be triggered yet, but as you can see, if you try 100 times it might show up.

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Aaah thank you a lot! I saw it before and was confused.

Where do i get this information from? Are there other channels more active with updates than this place?

You can find many groups on Facebook, and you can join Rabbit’s official Discord server where you get the latest info and more interactions with rabbit’s team

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Just to be clear - timers on r1 haven’t been released yet, as more work is required first.

This was a bug causing it to trigger based on a partial code deployment of the feature.

When we officially release it we’ll be sure to let you all know :purple_heart:


If a simple timer requires so much development, how long will it take to get to the fully featured LAM?

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interesting question :stuck_out_tongue:

I believe its more of batching smaller stuff together for a bigger looking update so they may be working on the feature along with other features they want to bundle with it.

Quite interesting to see how it looked like and dig it but would be fun if a using a key would like “Pomo” the timer can resemble a tomato as a small easter egg and default to a 25 minute timer.

Phrase: “Create/Set a Pomo Timer for me”
Response: “Setting a 25 Minute Timer”


Fingers crossed… £160 talking paperweight is not much fun

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They have said the main thing is they want it to be an AI timer so you can do things like “set a timer for however long it takes to make an onsen egg” and it’ll respond with “setting a timer for 6 minutes and 30 seconds” and set one for you.


Is there an ETA?

Just seen videos of timers being used by Jesse they seem to work well and look good.

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We’re getting closer! :slight_smile: More updates to come soon.


Unfortunately not today…

Is the programming language you’re using the reason for the progress? I’m not a developer, of course, so I’m assuming you’re programming with Android, but I could be wrong.