a quick update on releases

hi everyone,

i just wanted to share a quick update regarding our release cadence. usually, we’d be looking to release an OTA today, but that won’t be happening this week, unfortunately.

we had hoped to get timers and alarms out for July, but they still require some work, and so didn’t make the cut this week. without them, it wasn’t worth pushing an OTA this week.

more broadly, our q3 is looking like more resources on fewer things, but important things such as Teach Mode, Rabbithole v2, and getting Beta Rabbit out of Beta.

so with that being said, we still plan on keeping a cadence of OTA updates every 2 weeks, but on the alternating weeks there might not always be meaningful cloud updates to share. when there are, we’ll still recap them - recap because cloud updates are rolling out all the time, but a lot are smaller improvements to things like infrastructure and stability that don’t require an instant update on them.

i know for q2 we set a good cadence of meaningful weekly updates, but i wanted to set some different expectations for q3.

let me know if you have any questions!


More time for timers and everything sounds reasonable. Take all the time needed to make this device more usable for daily tasks.


Looking forward to all of the aforementioned! Keep up the good work!


Absolutely think this is the best way to go about it. I would rather have you guys get some extra breathing room to fix bugs and line up the big stuff, rather than have to pump out smaller new things constantly just to make a small fraction of the folks feel like they got something.


All good! I appreciate the team taking time with these things, and wanting to give us the best quality possible!


Is the plan for beta rabbit to replace current rabbit is that right? I’m just wondering :thinking: and that’s teach mode is that something projected to release in Q3?


Excites to see a roadmap starting to form!

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I sure hope so! @simon any ‘unclassified’ info you’d be able to share on this? :eyes:

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Glad to hear progressive regardless what other thing.
Fire Elmo GIF

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I completely agree. keep up the great work, a massive thanks to you and the whole Team.

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I think this describes it quite well… :wink:

:musicrabbit: :musicrabbit: :musicrabbit:

:carrot: :carrot: :carrot: https://strusch.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Bunny-Architects.mp3 :carrot: :carrot: :carrot:

:musicrabbit: :musicrabbit: :musicrabbit:

(Made whit SunoAI.)


Replying with a song is the most r1 thing one could do. :musicrabbit:


We absolutely need the option to change the usable language. As a German user with less than perfect English, I can’t really use the R1 effectively in everyday life.

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@Bobbel93 Kann ich verstehen. Ist zwar jetzt kein wirklich guter Tipp von mir, aber vielleicht hilft es Dir ja als Workaround.

Du kannst vielleicht übergangsweise die Übersetzungsfunktion dafür Verwenden, damit Du r1 das was Du in der Übersetzungsfunktion sagst, dann anschließend in englisch sagen kannst.

Dauert dann halt eben aktuell doppelt so lange aber vielleicht hilft es ja zumindest übergangsweise.

Du kannst r1 aber auch sagen, dass es Dir auf deutsch antworten soll oder den Text auf deutsch in der Rabbit Hole speichern soll, das funktioniert aber nicht immer. Meistens geht es gut, wenn Rabbit einen Text in der Rabbit Hole für dich generieren soll.

Das hat bei mir zumindest soweit funktioniert.

Again in English:

I can understand that. It’s not a really good tip from me, but maybe it will help you as a workaround.

You could perhaps use the translation function temporarily so that you can then tell r1 what you say in the translation function in English.

It’ll just take twice as long at the moment, but maybe it’ll help at least temporarily.

You can also tell r1 to answer you in German or to save the text in German in the Rabbit Hole, but that doesn’t always work. It usually works well if Rabbit generates a text for you in the Rabbit Hole.

That’s what worked for me so far, at least.

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I am SO ready to try out Teach Mode, I can’t wait to see what the r1 will be capable of in just a couple months! I am genuinely impressed by how much use I get out of my r1, especially when it comes to gaming- it is a perfect gaming companion for when you need to know what an item does, or how to get to a secret area. It’s so helpful when it comes to things like that, I would never go back to manually looking through various sites for the closest answer I get lucky enough to find. Looking forward to beta rabbit becoming fully integrated for sure! Keep up the awesome work! :star_struck:


Ich verstehe halt nicht was es in der Umsetzung so kompliziert macht. GPT - 4o macht es auch einwandfrei. Und in Schrift Form geht das schon Ewigkeiten bei den Mitbewerbern.

Ich habe viele Vermutungen, mehr aber auch nicht. Deshalb will ich nichts dazu schreiben. Ich bin mir aber sicher, dass dieses Thema schon eine hohe Priorität hat für die Verantwortlichen bei Rabbit. Zudem muss man auch schon dazu sagen, dass GPT - 4o oder die Produkte anderer Hersteller (Apps etc.) schon was ganz Anderes snd als dieses geniale Stück wunderschöner Hardware. Ich bin mir sicher, dass es in dieser Hinsicht auch viele Hürden gibt, die nicht so einfach zu überwinden sind wie als wenn man nur eine App programmiert. Zudem merkt man bei Rabbit und den tollen Entwicklern ja auch , dass sie es wirklich gut machen wollen und daher müssen wir Alle einfach viel Geduld haben. Alles was gut werden soll braucht eben seine Zeit.

@all in english:

I have a lot of assumptions, but that’s all. That’s why I don’t want to write anything about it. But I’m sure that this topic is a high priority for those responsible at Rabbit. It must also be said that GPT - 4o or the products of other manufacturers (apps, etc.) are something completely different to this ingenious piece of beautiful hardware. I’m sure that there are many hurdles in this regard that are not as easy to overcome as when you’re just programming an app. You can also see with Rabbit and the great developers that they really want to do it well and so we all just have to be patient. Everything that is meant to be good just takes time.

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Also mach es so wie alle anderen Hasen, lehne dich entspannt zurück und knabber einfach so lange an einer Karotte. :carrot: :otarabbit:

So do what all the other rabbits do, sit back and relax and nibble on a carrot for a long time. :carrot: :otarabbit:


Agreed! Without multilingual support, what was Rabbit thinking!!!?


I love the open communication and transparency. As a stakeholder/customer, I really appreciate the effort. Having a regular insight into the development progress and plans makes the journey more comprehensive and exciting. Rabbit is an ambitious product and I’m still glad to have jumped in from the start. Keep up the good work and enjoy your summer.