Quickly losing interest! My lil rant.

My R1 was born on May 1st and I have been a huge fan boy since I first learned of the r1, but after 2 months my excitement has slipped away and the device is just sitting in a drawer and barely used anymore.

I have been very positive and have tried my best to be patient with fixing bugs and adding features that were missing from the start, but it seems rabbit is putting all its energy into entertaining but gimmicky features, like magic camera, suno, mid journey etc.

Where are the missing basic features that would make this a fully functional personal assistant? Why are these features just ignored week after week. Are they not possible? Why isn’t my r1 reliable? why can’t i pick it up and ask a question and get a response 100% of the time? Why can’t I record something and know it will be there? Why cant i recall things from my rabbit hole consistently? I would think answering questions would be a top feature, but Its so infuriating when you can’t get an response seems like I’m having to hit the PTT 5x frequently but that rarely fixes the issue. Why is it acceptable for my battery to drain at 2% per hour or more when on standby? When will the shake to settings sensitivity be turned down? I’m constantly on my settings screen when I did not ask for it. When will I be able to ask questions about settings for other devices or software without it opening the settings screen on the r1 instead?

Is this device not meant to be a personal assistant? is it just meant to listen to music, order food, or make songs and take funny pictures? Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure lots of people want it for those fun features or the LAM or future teach mode and I’m happy they get those features but come on rabbit, put some time into the basic features first and at least deliver us a working personal assistant while you develop and fine tune all the other features people are waiting on.

I’m in no means trying to be an ass, or a hater so please don’t attack me I’m just venting in slight frustration LOL


@Cyclops I feel 110% with you. Same story here. I was super excited to get my r1.

Was lucky enough to enjoy the part in NYC and got a few long weeks later my r1. since then it is more a frustration then a personal assistant or a device I would like to use daily.

For the last 2 weeks my r1 was just turned off. Today did some tests, and again it failed.

meanwhile the second r1 arrived and I don’t see a reason why I even should open the box, it is still sealed.

I have not ordered two for a magic Camera or Sumo, I did it for LAM, Meeting recording and Teach Mode. Non of this is working right now. And I don’t see much progress on the important stuff.

I will not send it back, just turn it off again and will wait for better times.


I think a lot of us feel so frustrated, @Cyclops you expressed our feelings perfectly.

After turning on the Rabbit and playing around with it, it became clear to all of us that this is an immature device.

What we must not forget, though, is that we have essentially bought a concept, a new paradigm of interaction between humans and digital services, mediated by artificial intelligence.

Who among us decided to be part of this project without being dazzled by Jesse Lyu’s exciting presentation, but by believing in that paradigm, he will not be disappointed in the long run. After all, the purchase of the r1 was amply repaid by a year of Perplexity Pro.

But you are right that Rabbit Inc.'s seriousness will be seen in how much they want to focus on the key functions of virtual assistance and Large Action Model.

Let’s give it a few months, but continue to use the r1 constantly, even for a short time each day. It’s important not to give up.


Feel ya. I get so frustrated by it too. Think maybe rabbits spreading themselves too thin, trying to work on lot of stuff all at once and slowing everything down. Idk. Just don’t understand why they haven’t prioritized more quality of life features like the shake sensitivity, or keywords being reacted to inappropriately, or how most of the features don’t work from terminal mode even though that makes no sense :sweat_smile::person_shrugging::people_hugging:


I am not quickly loosing interest myself
 but I feel these frustrations. I want my R1 to assist in what it can do better. Responding every time, which it’s been doing better. Sometimes garbage responses but that’s the state of AI, I can manage it easier on R1, I like that.

However I want it to help me more, recall things properly, be smarter, help me through the day. I can see the battery being a problem
 it hasn’t died but it gets low enough. What’s going to happen when checking for reminders and doing some more side assistance stuff?

I agree with IronRinn a good bit too, and where I was in expectations. I didn’t see how a 1 Gen device would deliver all that and set my expectations low. Mostly to helping me with my AI art, Ideas, Questions, tracking Tasks for me
 with hope to teach it more.

Its a cool, a little frustrating at times and not sure how reasonable the future ideas will really be, but I am down for the ride. Why I pitched in.

This prior weeks with NO RESPONSES was getting be frustrated BAD
 I could see hating it. Its got better there. I am not getting real good luck with memory yet, but hope that will go better.

Mostly I’m a low hearing a Double the OTA coming this week for Suno to be the update
 Where’s the rest? Can my other functions work better?

If I have LAM on Midjourney WHY CAN’T IT USE MY OTHER BUTTONS??? Come on

I am liking it a lot but I can see the frustrations in function. Its just being my play assistant right now for most part. Helpful but not really getting to assistant level yet


I am 100% with you on this. I dont want to be an ass, or a hater or anything else. ive been supporting this device and its idea from day 1 and im still keeping my hopes high. but i would like to point some little things , that, after research and personal experience i tend to think this are true:

  1. r1 is not an AI - is basically just basic code.
  2. r1 is just a controller for other apps ( there is no sign of intelligence )

I think everyone, even rabbit, totally understands the frustration with your points, and nobody would necessarily disagree. It went out too early IMO, and they’re trying to play catch up, while dealing with issues and bugs from way more people than they thought. I’m sure those alone are eating up significant time.

I think it’s a big combination of rabbit being still spread thin, and trying to make everyone happy - they put out an OTA that’s just fixes, people yell it’s a boring update with nothing. If they add something like Suno, everyone yells it’s just a gimmick update. They can’t win :man_shrugging:

On top of that, technically they are holding to their roadmap - things like timers, reminders, etc were all slated for ‘summer’, which has time. While personally I would have wanted say reminders a long time ago, I guess I can’t really fault them just yet.

At the end of the day, the frustration is justified for sure, but I would say wait and see, at least for a little longer, and see if they stick to their roadmap. Simon said they do have multiple teams working on things, so it’s not like if we get suno nobody is working on the other stuff, so I’m at least hopefully that if we keep at this momentum, we’ll keep getting better.


Absolutely, 100%. I haven’t given up on it. As I mentioned in my first comment, “I keep my hopes high,” and I genuinely want them to succeed in delivering on their promises. However, I’m starting to feel that their focus isn’t on what’s actually important:

  1. Clarification on LAM and Teach Mode: Everyone is eagerly waiting for the LAM and Teach Mode. But the big question remains: Is this Large Action Model really an AI model, or is it just an Action Mode Script (AMS)? This is something they should definitely clarify. I’ve seen this question pop up in many developer forums and social media reviews. As a user, I also want a transparent answer without feeling frustrated. I’ve been an active member in some Facebook groups and got banned for expressing my opinions and questions that weren’t seen as positive.
  2. AI Learning and Personalization: The r1 should have been an AI that learns about you—how you view things, how you operate, your preferences, etc., and remember “you” over time. The recall feature is fantastic because the r1 could become a “secondary” memory that you can access instantly.

I strongly believe people want to see more of this rather than just the ability to vocally prompt some AI models. If we look at the last “update” pushing the Suno, honestly, what real use does that have for a personal assistant/companion? We’re talking about a user base that consists mostly of professionals with jobs and responsibilities.

I genuinely hope this message is taken constructively and seriously because I think it reflects a broader sentiment within the community.


I do disagree on whether or not the fun stuff like Suno was a good idea - a lot of professionals use it, sure, but I think long term that’s not exactly the target market, if I’m being honest. They just happen to be the userbase that’s most vocal right now, and most aware of it.

A device needs fun too for longevity if you’re looking to hook the everyday person. Jesse brought up meeting with Bestbuy, with the possibility down the road of carrying it there - what’s going to rope in more people, something that’s fun and has use, or something strictly utility?

I get the professionals here moaning it only needing to be useful, but I think a lot of folks need to take a step back sometimes and understand who rabbit is looking to target. Looking at both the fun and serious features, rabbit wants to bring in both regular folks with no AI knowledge for a fun gadget that can answer questions and make songs, and those who are already plotting what they want to use the webooks and teach mode for, and what else they can do with it. There’s room for both. What isn’t important to you might be exactly what keeps someone else using it right now, and while some moan about how much they dislike the silly things, they’ll see online and with usage how much people are using and liking the fun stuff.

The issue right now is though, prioritization. We’ve had lots of fun stuff, I do think they need to put a higher focus on features, I agree. But If they get a few more fun things out? Great, I wont complain, but it would be nice to see the other stuff.


“moaning” ? :slight_smile:
and I understand you even is not really answering to my points.

I join the rant, adding that in my case, R1 has difficulty understanding me (and many others) when we request prompts that include words in other languages. If I want to know the weather in a specific city, find restaurants, parks, or anything else, I can’t keep trying multiple times to make it understand what I mean. In comparison, GPT-4o understands it the first time.

Additionally, there is the issue of application incompatibility outside the USA, but we’ll leave that for another time.


Yes, spend a little time on discord, you’ll get the moaning comment, sometimes people there can be a bit much :sweat_smile:

And I get your points, your first is just big cans of worms to get back in to that has been beaten to death, all I really can say is don’t believe random youtubers on whether or not something is AI or not - there are skeptics and fans all around, so form your own opinion. I’m not the guy to answer you on this, I’m personally so tired of hearing about that (not on you at all), so sorry if don’t want to dive into that.

Your second point - I don’t think they ever marketed it as that, so not sure what you’re expecting. Maybe in time we’ll see something like that, but personally I don’t recall it seeing marketed to something on it’s own that will learn how you do everything, more as a conduit using things like gpt, perplexity, etc to point you in the right direction. I could very well be wrong.

But they can work on both the fun stuff, as well as teach mode, learning, and other things at the same time, they’ve said there are multiple teams working on different things, I think saying their focus isn’t on that stuff is disingenuous. They’ve been clear when teach mode is potentially coming, and we’ll know more the closer it gets :man_shrugging:

I’m not trying to invalidate your points, I agree with you to a degree and think they are valid, but I would just say wait and see. We’re early adopters, things have been moving along, and they know how important that stuff is, I just don’t think it’s as easy as an ‘either/or’ when it comes to getting features on OTAs and their focus. They got to work both, we just happen to get the goofy stuff quicker.

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https://youtu.be/22wlLy7hKP4?t=264 maybe this will help you

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Yeah no ive seen that lol

Again, teach mode sounds awesome, and they’ve said when it’s coming, and they’ve shown it off recently, not sure what else I can add. Everything else is more directing with other services, as shown there.

I don’t really know what else I can say - I do agree I hope we see more function in the coming updates vs fluff, but I don’t agree their focus isn’t in the right place. Different teams for different things, we’ll get them when they’re ready :man_shrugging:

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https://youtu.be/mw8O-nS75hM this one sold me also

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j’ai confiance dans le concept et j’aime l’idĂ©e d’un appareil different du telephone, comme un assistant.
je dois pour voir l’ouvrir poser une question et avoir la rĂ©ponse c’est tout.
Prendre des notes, mettre un reveil, enregistrer une reunion

bref simple et efficace. l


Let me just clarify on the “shipping too early” idea - I am headed out to the mural shortly so can reply to other points later on.

As with any tech company, but even more importantly, data is what’s important. Data doesn’t lie. People could tell us (hypothetically as an example) that Suno isn’t interesting to them. And our data may well say otherwise.

I can tell you that the data is already, and has been playing an important role in development and prioritisation. You of course always must have your own vision, but without data, how do you quantify what people are using, what they’re not using, etc?

Data is the quantitative to our community’s qualitative. Together they give us real clarity and help push everything forward.


I was thinking about this exactly yesterday and i come with some thoughts on this:

how can u see data of usage of some functionality that dont exist. in my opinion, of course after 2/3 days of update and adding the suno people will test it. i did the same but i dont think is something i will use day by day, like for example getting my weather in Celsius, or being able to add something in a calendar, ask for a timer, ask some directions (today it took r1 to tell me a tram that takes me from my location to point B around 7 minutes), hopefully to send a msg to my whats app/telegram/instagram/facebook messenger, or read an email an reply to it. things that where basically presented to us in a nice way ( see example https://youtu.be/mw8O-nS75hM ) in the press release presentation video it was said that it will have all the basic functionality of a normal phone , of curse not all but at least the basics and i recall phones to have a calendar, an alarm, a timer, etc ( https://youtu.be/22wlLy7hKP4?t=264 )


Was your reply intended for me? Well of course your data is going to show everyone using Suno, and Magic Camera its new and fun after awhile I’m sure it will drop off as the novelty of those wear off for the general user. My post was mostly about my frustrations about the lack of the basic features one would expect from a Pocket Companion or Personal Assistant and the mere fact that the features we have now are not reliable by any means. So the whole point of my post and lil rant was to know, if this device will ever be a personal assistant as most people would define and will it be reliable? I personally would love to see the missing expected features and bugs implemented and ironed out sooner than later.


I gotta say, as a software engineer, I was most excited for the ability to be able to train it to do things outside the very limited set of a few websites it can navigate and interact with. Seeing that the training feature is so far down the product roadmap is really disappointing. I might cancel the SIM card I bought for it if it’s going to be limited to DoorDash and Spotify.