rabbitOS release notes

this is a living document, and this post will always show the most recent software update at the top. previous ones can be found below with expandable details.

our 2024 release notes have been archived and can now be found here.

27th January 2025:

more languages, more fixes :weatherrabbit:

earlier this month, we released multi-language support for r1, starting with 12 languages in addition to english. today, we’re thrilled to add 12 more, plus regional options for english and a fix for weather cards so that weather will always show in the correct unit for your country/region :thermometer:

what’s new? :musicrabbit:
more language options!

the new language options added today are:

  • Bulgarian
  • Czech
  • Danish
  • Dutch
  • English (Australia)
  • English (United Kingdom)
  • English (United States)
  • Finnish
  • Greek
  • Indonesian
  • Malay
  • Polish
  • Portuguese (Portugal)
  • Romanian
  • Slovak

we will continue to look into what additional languages we can add over time, so let us know your thoughts! and if you notice any translation errors anywhere, be sure to let us know and we’ll get them fixed.

what we fixed: :ridesharerabbit:

  • weather units will now display in the correct format for your chosen language/region. for example, if your region is set to English (United States) it will show in Fahrenheit, but if set to English (United Kingdom) it will show in Celsius.
  • we also fixed some translation errors that we discovered in some languages since the last update.
  • alarms and reminders now respond in the appropriate language
  • fix for the font sizing in Hindi
  • fix to improve kanji handling in Japanese
  • fix for accessories and carrots being removed on factory reset and device unlink
  • some queries were triggering device settings erroneously - this is now fixed

other improvements: :weatherrabbit:

  • rabbithole web settings have been streamlined, combining device info and user settings into a single page

enjoy, and be sure to keep sharing your thoughts and feedback with us!

Previous Updates:

16th Jan 2025 - rabbit r1 adds multi-language support :weatherrabbit:


welcome to 2025.
rabbit is starting the year as we mean to go on - r1 now supports multiple languages!

r1 now supports changing the default language, starting with 12 more language options in addition to english.

these languages are:

  • Chinese (simplified)
  • Chinese (traditional)
  • French
  • German
  • Hindi
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Portuguese
  • Russian
  • Spanish
  • Swedish

we intend to add more languages over time, so let us know what you’d like to see supported!

how does it work? :listeningrabbit:
on the home screen, scroll up twice to enter the settings menu, where you’ll find a new option that says language. select it, and choose your new default language. after doing this, you’ll be able to speak to your r1 and have it speak back to you in the selected language, and the r1 texts and settings will also be localized.

if the accent doesn’t seem quite right with a generative voice, be sure to update your genvoice prompt in rabbithole to match.

for more info, check out our full press release here!

other improvements and fixes: :fooddeliveryrabbit:

  • the 2024 holiday rabbits are now available in your r-cade collection! these special rabbits can’t be recycled and can’t be won in the capsule machine.
  • we added a placeholder frame in magic gallery for images that are still generating. if you take a magic camera photo, then immediately go to magic gallery, you’ll see the placeholder appear until the image has finished generating.

enjoy, and be sure to keep sharing your thoughts and feedback with us!


30th May - cloud update notes posted, please see top post for full notes!


was looking for something like this - that’s great!


6th June OTA notes added!


I just have to say, I am really impressed with the work done at Rabbit to update the R1. I am sure the fine tuning and feature development will continue. Thanks.


It’s wild how many enhancements / updates are a direct result of the community. Really shows how much the team is paying attention, vs just setting up a discord for the image of having a community. Bravo.


so many improvements based on feedback! Must be a scam /s

Thank you for everything you guys do.


Is the new UI card refererring to newly manufacftured ie. Hardware revision? Will all R1’s have the new yelp UI card?


Yes all will have it, not to worry


Today’s release notes (13th June) are live at the top of the page!


It calls me by my name for about 3 prompts. Then when I ask it my name it calls me “user” again. Gave up on trying to personalize that.

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today’s OTA notes added!


Not sure if the r1 would be able to tell us about the most recent OTA’s, but every time I try to ask it about the updates or mention terminal mode it navigates to the settings. Seems like the rules on asking for settings are a bit too open right now.

Specifically I was trying variations of the prompt “Does memory v0 in the latest OTA work in terminal mode?” I’ve tried similar prompts for the previous OTAs and ended up with the same result.

@simon Any reason why recall doesn’t currently work in terminal? I know its still early, I’d just love to use it at work without using voice lmao.


Not a single improvement on the entire purpose of this device, the LAM. Please don’t talk about the ability to look at your history as a LAM capability.

Hey - at least now I can connect it when I’m at a hotel!!!

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I really appreciate your development. I love my R1. It is getting better and better every update.


Any ideas what has happened to last week? Just seems quiet as theres been an update weekly, my device arrives and then no update. Im hoping it’s due to some fixes in the background taking longer, but as an excited newbie it would be cool to get a glimpse behind the curtain on whats next.


Last week’s update merged to this week’s. Due to rabbit team will be off on July 4th.


So this week OTA+cloud update coming on Tue or Wed ?


Maybe Hump Day?

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Finally I have the answer :wink: Screenshot done from GMT+1. So it’s coming in less then 17h from now