Timer/Alarm enhancements

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:timer_clock: Timers

  • Allow user to dictate what the timer is for, then display name to the user
  • Allow more than one timer
  • If timer goes off while recording is in progress, it cancels the recording.
  • Countdown sounds for the last 10 seconds of the timer (@jorgeenriqueesquire)


  • Allow user to dictate what the alarm is for, then display name to the user
  • Show the date that the alarm is supposed to go off
    • Currently, if you ask for a reminder for a specific date, it starts an alarm for 12:00 and you can’t view the date it’s supposed to go off.
  • Allow alarm to sound infinitely
    • From my testing, timers stop making sound after 10 minutes. It would be optimal for them to sound forever until silenced by the user.
  • Allow gentle wake up (fade in timer sound up until it’s max, over the course of 60s or so)
  • Allow user to complete a mental excercise to confirm full awakeness (simple math problem, etc. inspiration from Alarmy and Sleep as Android apps)

:clock3: Other time-related

  • Allow the user to select the volume of the timer/alarm independently from the system volume
  • Allow timers/alarms to be set from vision mode (@PaulBacon post)

+ New feature requests

  • New countdown type called Reminders (already in the plans as “active reminders”) that you can set ahead of time, and will remind you of whatever you want, whenever you ask it to. (@Foxplaid19973)
    • Maybe a way to select if this is a rigid time or if it gently asks for you (think, “Justin… I have a reminder for you.”) and once you wake it up, it can remind you
    • Location based reminders? Once you reach a destination, it reminds you (@GunstarCowboy Post)
  • New “stopwatch” that allows you to quickly start a stopwatch.
  • New auto anniversary reminder or similar, can remind you of a special day automatically and why it was special (@Foxplaid19973)
  • Allow timer/alarm to be dismissed/cancelled via touch screen. (@nipahc)
    • Potentially press and hold to dismiss/snooze. Instantly touching to dismiss would be a bad UX imo
  • Add pomodoro technique (@DrSlump)
    • maybe even a funky little tomato rabbit
  • Add a little badge to the home screen indicating that there is a pending timer/alarm. This could also be done for music, etc.

Please feel free to use this as a discussion as well; I’ll edit in your guys’ ideas as I see them.


I like this idea. Like the example of set a timer for the perfect boiled egg, if the timer created a smart title of “boiled egg” on it to distinguish it from the other timers/alarms when having multiple at once, would definitely help.

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I would like a way to store a reminder or a timer or a Alarm on a given day in a month or plan out the above for the future even in x years.

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Added, thanks for the recommendation

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Another cool feature could a memory reminder or timer or alarm that reminds you about stuff happened in the past. Or like this could something like a celebration mode for what made that day special. Or like random ai generated highlights for the past on important days based on what country your in would display as a reminder.


Don’t forget to VOTE if this is a good one.

I think it would be cool if touch screen was enabled there to turn off the alarm


Added! ­­­­­­


It would be super nice to have the Pomodoro Technique or similar productivity techniques based on timers


Nice! :+1:

About to add! Please feel free to click the “vote” button to show that you agree with this post. same goes for you @leahcim :smile:


Yes this would be very helpful. I tried many different ways to see if I can get it work but it only sets alarms and send reminders to the rabbit hole.

I asked rabbit to set an alarm for “xxxx” to remind me to “example”

She replies stating she will set the alarm to remind me to “example” but only sets the alarm.

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Yeah, it looks as though “active reminders” are in the works, but unsure when they’re planned.

oh yeah let me clarify - we intent to design the active reminders will prompt reply instead of just sound. i just don’t know how many hours requested to finish this feature yet.

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I agree as someone with AdHd I’ve been trying and working with this technique now for a while and it does help so I welcome and would love this feature to become more mainstream as it seems to help with productivity and as this thread mentions something about a tomato rabbit I like that it’s cute and fun more animations and fun things the rabbit does the better it’s something that vpets such as tamagotchi has been doing and seen great success with.

Thanks @justin, 100% agree with you guys!

@DrSlump About the Pomodoro, it partially works, I asked my Rabbit to set a timer using the Pomodoro and it properly started… but only for the first 25min, then you have to set it once again :smiley: So i think would be easy to implement the full technique.

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Something that triggers multiple timers for workouts would be nice as well

I made some suggestion regarding the alarm and timer topic here:

Voice Alarm Answers & Timer Voice Alert !

it is different but i think it reflects also some aspects that justing pointed out.

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I don’t know if anyone added this…but maybe countdown sounds for the last 10 seconds of the timer.

I love the idea of a Pomodoro-specific sequence and animation!


Added! ­­­­­­

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Sweet, I don’t want to rip from your post so if you have anything you want lumped in with this post, feel free to post and I’ll edit it in.

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