Quickly losing interest! My lil rant.

Yeah I’m in agreement, I was disappointed with the last update.
I think listening to the dozen or so die hard Discord users clamouring for Sumo has been a mistake.

Magic Camera was a master stroke, the timing was a perfect answer to all the haters and a great distraction for all the work updates/bugs that were needed for the r1

Sumo is clearly for a clique audience, sure initially there will be a lot of interest in the short term, but that will drop off in my opinion.

The r1 is crying out for the personal assistant functionality that will be used day in and day out.


Other than giving the weather spasmodically and needing plugged in for updates my rabbit has been paperweight, no accounts will link or work, no cute little pictures of rabbits for me. Even pay for Midjourney for no use at all.


Hang in there pal, I really do think the team will deliver given time.
I can see where you’re coming from, I’ve asked myself this question too.
At the moment if your prepared to invest the time and work around the quirks, maybe use a few different styles of prompts to get the most of what’s currently on offer, I’ve found the little guy actually has some reasonable functionally :wink:

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I think personally that the r1 should really have had the following from day one. Calendar. Note taking, agenda, timers, alarms, and being able to a-just the measurements of things such as temperature and distance to your area. I live in uk and use both metric and imperial but like metric for weather and imperial for distances it’s an age thing. These should have all been in and working from day one then all the bells and whistles for sumo etc added over the following few weeks and months. I can understand people want different things but the basics would have show it off well in reviews. Most people just want the basics for and AI assistant. I don’t use midjurney nor sumo. I do use the magic camera few times. But come on basics first. When do you see a tablet or phone without the basics then you add the rest of the things you want later. I still use the r1 but with the last disappointing update I thought why not the basics ok we got 24hr clock it’s a start I suppose.


I’ve hadr1 two weeks. I have not been able to link itunes, not able to tether to my iphone 15 and wifi.it does recognized other iPhones, just not mine. I start grad school in august. I thought it would have some use, still trying to figure out what it is good for.


The hotspot on iPhones seems to be hit and miss. WiFi networks seems better but I found cheap sim to be best plus it can be used anywhere you have a cellular connection.
If you ask r1 to use wolfram alpha to do maths etc or perplexity for information it’s very good. The device seems good at translation and translating information on a picture I used to translate a French newspaper headline to English no problem. It can do notes, do recordings of meeting and summarise them, picture id, maths. Spreadsheets, and more on way it depends what you wanted it to do when you got. They are adding updates every Thursday or so.


I remember the day that they said reusable rockets would never happen or be uneconomical unless they can be reused over 10+ times. SpaceX does it over 21+ times. The r1 is an affordable device that can be updated like a Tesla car, I am willing to wait and willingly for such a low cost :slightly_smiling_face:


Having had my device about a week, my initial thoughts:

Very early adopter stage, with bugs, reliability and functionality limited.

But these aspects I would have hoped and should have been addressed in a a beta.

The sober truth is that most of the functionality is just plug-in api’s to other saas applications - albeit some are fun to use on the device. The LAM functionality is non-existent. What is just nuts though, is that they haven’t fully integrated such tech, so it’s singular interactions - making them painful to use.

The camera resolution is pretty bad, which leads to poor use of the current ai - which is probably just a base model with some fine tuning.

I bought this as a way to reduce my phone screen time / consumption whilst knowing I need a digital assistant for the daily admin.

Does it have potential yes! Could they open up the platform and allow it to really take off yes!

But in the interim, get those bugs sorted, add obvious features which would take minutes to code and deploy and I’m sure consumers will shift their views to be more positive.



Agree with the iOS hotspot, but to be fair unless it’s Apple devices connecting hotspot has always been funky.

The spreadsheet stuff seems limited by both the camera and server side. And has 9/10 times not worked for either of those reasons.

I find the image to text tricky to use as it will just say it’s copyrighted even if it’s not, not work at all.

The translate function doesn’t seem to support follow up.


Forgot the device on both the iPhone and r1, then setup again. This worked for me when it failed to connect to my ios hotspot post initial setup.

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so you hit the nail on the head. 100% on everything you said. The reason our r1 is in the drawer is because it is missing basic day to day usable fictions. No one, and I mean no one needs even magic camera every day, and even less “need” suno.

I feel these “fun” features are put in to make people post fun stuff to social media and get everyone talking about it. It is by design that they are doing this.

It was marketed as a companion device. A companion for who? maybe the only company feature it has is LLM and thats not reliable, and its not needed for most of the day so you are naturally not going to have it on you and naturally not going to be on you then when you want a question answered.

Can the possibly not do basic usable companion features. At this stage in development it doesnt look like they can. I have been asking the team to either re structure their team, or fire and hire their team to re focus on actual features we might use every day. Its falling on deaf ears unforunitly and the origniall users are getting frustrated


It appears its going to continue to fall on deaf ears, because they have “Data” that proves us wrong, so apparently suno, magic camera, and fun stuff like that is what we really want and that basic assistant features aren’t necessary or important.

Oh but I have some exciting news. There is a new auto company called Hare and they are introducing a new breakthrough automobile called the H1.

I was an early adopter and got one of the first cars released. During the keynote they talked all about the features and everything it could do and a really exciting part was that the car was also a submarine, but even more exciting they announced that though it was still in experimental mode that later this year it would also be a spacecraft.

Man I got so excited i shat in my pants and got online and preordered one right away. I waited and waited and finally my brand new car was in my driveway I was the first one in my neighborhood with one, man its sure nice looking with the brightest colors I have ever seen and beautiful curves.

I sat in the drivers seat but noticed right away there was no seatbelt latch to hook my seat belt into hmmm how strange. So decided to go on a trip so I pushed the button to start the car but it wouldn’t respond, so i asked in the group on discord and was told I needed to push the start button 5x and sure enough it started. so I put the car in reverse and well crap it wouldn’t go anywhere come to find out, it does have the capability of reverse the equipment is there but they decided not to utilize it,

So after i figured out how to turn my car around without reverse i started driving down the road and decided that I would listen to some of my music, the entertainment center came with the option to hookup my Spotify or apple music but once i singed into one of the services I couldn’t control my music or play any of my playlist and when it did work the only way to control the volume was to get out of the car and turn a knob in the trunk, and then all of a sudden it was in maintenance mode and unusable.

I came up to a stop sign and the car in front of me wasn’t paying attention so I thought I would honk the horn so they would go, but discovered Hare didn’t turn on the horn function either well after the car in front of me finally decided to go, i hit the accelerator and the car wouldn’t go. I had to hit the start button 5x again to get it to respond before I could go.

So i decided to drive to the lake and test out the submarine feature I drove into the water and it floated just fine i was super excited and hit the controls to dive and nothing because the car lost its connection to the internet and was basically a brick just floating in the water, once my network connection was restored I started to dive and lost network connection again so i floated back to the surface and managed to get out of the lake.

I was starting to get a bit aggravated and everyone in discord was saying hey the company is new and this product is new so lets just be patient and wait for Hare to add the missing features and fix the ones that the car currently has, meanwhile they keep promising that later this year the spacecraft feature will be coming and all this wait would be worth it So I parked the car because it was useless to me without all the basic car features one would expect.

In the mean time Hare decides to ad some fun features to the car, like the ability to use the cars camera’s and take some cartoon funny pictures of your surroundings, on and since your apple or sportify isn’t working all the time we will give you the ability to make your own music but you have to wait until you get home to a PC so you can retrieve your pictures or songs, because for whatever reason they decided that nobody would want to see the pictures or hear the songs in the car with the included screen or speakers.

When I went into the discord to ask about these features and ask why we are getting all these gimmicky fun features prioritized instead of the basic car features that are missing, the other users get mad and say give them time well I have been waiting 10 weeks now and hare just wants to talk about those fun features and says the data supports their decisions to include them and stay quite about the rest of the features that should have been with the car from day 1

But hey all this is acceptable because the company is a startup and this technology is new and I should just shut up and wait longer and maybe my car will be functional in the near future.


Ah, the famous H1! I see you’ve discovered all the revolutionary features the car doesn’t have yet, but patience, Rome wasn’t built in a day!

Sure, it can be frustrating to press the start button five times to get the car to start. But hey, it’s a great finger exercise! As for the missing reverse gear, think of the bright side: it’s the perfect opportunity to become a pro at three-point turns.

And then, what a pleasure to know our car can float on water, even if it prefers to stay on the surface due to lack of internet connection. That said, we now have a great excuse to step outside and get some fresh air while adjusting our music volume directly from the trunk.

Let’s give Rabbit the time to perfect this piece of technology. In the meantime, let’s have fun with the cartoon photos taken by the Magic Camera and be ready for the day when our car finally meets all our expectations… or at least can honk!

After all, the best things in life come to those who wait, right?

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that was a piss in my pant funny response LOL

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I think we all compare these new Ai devices to simple Google/Bing/Chatgpt searches which we have had for ages. Where we at r1?

Agreed. Why do we not have the features that were shown in the marketing videos that enticed purchases. Some of the linked YouTube videos show things happening that require calendar integration, email/messaging integration, etc., none of which exists or is possible at all. This was wrongly marketed and many feel duped. When, if ever, will this functionality be available? No one knows and we just have to trust. Yet, they have our money based on empty promises of now non-existent features.


The powers that be should take notice of the comments here….

IF it fixes issues mentioned AND gets back to the basics of what an AIPA (Artificial Intelligence Personal Assistant) should be able to do, i.e. the basic USEFUL unsexy stuff FIRST and do it reliably, THEN it has a chance as a niche product for people who don’t want or don’t have the $$ to spend on double and more for a Smartphone, etc. I have an iPhone 14 (and have had Apple products since Mac 128 back in 1984) and will likely take one into the grave, but I also support innovations and interesting niche products, like this one IF it functions well.

Right now, I’ve spent most of a day just navigating getting set up, from NOT having it connect to my T-Mobile iPhone 14 (and buying a data plan from them) and now not being able to get the OTA updates because It seems to not accept doing it via cellular and wants me to have wifi…. WHICH I effing CAN’T. (Anyone know how to get around that because it seems like UNLESS I can download the OTA updates, it won’t let me use the rabbit.

And the camera is last-century, and no connection with services work, and it can’t pair with iPhone. I waited for my R1 for half a year and it wasn’t worth the wait. Haven’t completely given up, but not far from it.

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I preordered, because i thought the teach mode was already invented (finished development) by the time of the public demo… little did i know.

I just wanted to teach it to control my home assistant dashboard - that’s all, it could non-deliver on everything else and i’d be fine. but just the teach mode is really needed.

Since no clear information about its release, I think it wont come.

Anyone found a way to flash a different OS on to the device? Then I could at least install the Home assistant androind app on it, and use its microphone for the HA assistant.

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It’s coming! More news soon. Jesse showed it off in a video demo a couple of weeks back.