Time to hold PTT button in power off menu is a bit long

To me, the time feels slightly too long (half of it would feel much nicer). Can you look into this? Might be an easy to implement quality of life improvement!

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It was change sometime ago to 10 quick presses due to the problem of people pressing the button a few time to clear devices cache. There also power off in settings

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So it sounds like you’re powering off by going through the setting menu, then doing it - not sure why you’d need to do it the complicated way, but there is an easier way.

The easier way, and what most people do, is just hit the ptt button 8x quickly from anywhere. That’s the power off sequence.

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I was talking about the shut down menu. When I say “shut down”, the settings menu opens. There, I need to hold the PTT button to confirm. The time to hold is a little bit long. This is the request to shorten this time!

Why shut it down that way though? Honestly curious. It’s a much longer way than simply just 8x ppt.

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Partly because I wasn’t really aware of the PTT multiple press pattern, and partly because it seems more controlled, I guess. Saying shut down and holding the button feels a bit nicer for me than pressing the button multiple times to see it shut down. I’ll try to test that way out, too, though!

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I get what you’re saying, for sure. Just seems like an extra step, when it sounds like you’re looking to shut off faster than slower

Either way, hopefully they listen to your suggestion, I don’t see the harm, and if it makes it easier for you, all the better.

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I am partly looking for a way to shut down quicker, but was mostly thinking that the time required to hold the button in the menu was a bit too long! :blush:

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Also when you are arrived in the power off menu, via the wheel/button or by asking “go to setting and power offf”, the progress bar should be selected by default instead needing to scroll down with the wheel to select it, a voice message can confirm saying “hold the button to power off”.