PTT power off needs to be replaced with a 10x click instead of long press due to powering down device while saving long notes.

I am trying to study for a job interview and I have a list of questions that have lengthy answers.

I can ask the questions with no problem but when I start the answer the r1 powers off before I can complete the answer. This is extremely frustrating.

If I ask her to “save the question and answer I’m about to ask her to the rabbit hole” she saves literally what I said as a note….thats also extremely frustrating.

If this is an operator or command error please tell me what I’m doing wrong.


Or perhaps two long presses of the button for power off


Have you tried bringing it back by clicking the PTT once to bring the display back and asking r1 to continue? It’s worked for me on those long pages.

I agree. It happens to me daily especially when I’m using R1’s amazing translator feature. I get that you’ll need it as a hardware reset, but changing it to 6 or 7 (or 10 for that matter) times similar to the 5x reconnect function would be definitely a huge improvement.


Agreed, I just sent a feedback directly from the r1. I was trying to have a philosophical debate (very interesting and fun to do that) with r1 and my answer was lengthy, so pressing the button it eventually turned off before I could finish.

A more complex manipulation, combination of timings, when to press, how many times, to turn it off if needed, would be perfect.

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I’ve already mentioned this problem here

I think it could be solved by a “Conversation Mode”, where you ask Rabbit to switch and talk with no PTT otherwise they should change an inner system behavior of “android”

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Yes, I do believe we will change this soon, so that the 60s hold no longer powers off the device. It’s definitely an issue now especially that beta rabbit can handle very long and complex queries.


Yeah I’ve run into this, I thought I was the only one making obscenely long inputs, I guess not. :smiley:

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