Spotify - Password reset due to suspicious activity

Hi folks,

Question on connecting Spotify to my R1. On 3 separate occasions I succeeded connecting Spotify to the R1. Only to receive an email afterwards (from Spotify) that I should create a new password and log back in to my accounts using the new password.

This due to ‘suspicious activity’.
I can imaging that it is mistily due to my regular location (Europe the Netherlands) and the login will come out of the US.

Today the function finally worked for a couple hours, to as before I could not even prompt R1 to use Spotify.

Who has similar issues? And Do we have a work around for this?


I had exactly the same issue last night. I dont use Spotify - I was a Deezer user but my car only supported Tidal and Spotify - I never really got on when I tried Spotify so I created a Tidal account. And of course that doesnt work with my R1 so I paid for three months of Spotify which I connected (eventually) to my R1 last night and Spotify forced me to reset my password, sigh.

So now I have three music subscription :rofl:


If you only started out with Spotify :crazy_face: it would have saved you two accounts.:grin:

Would not fix your R1 issue nonetheless😉

Just kidding ofcourse, I know very well why one would prefer Deezer over Spotify. Thanks for you input, nice to know I am not alone.


I have the exact same issue and I live in Germany.


@simon happy to hear your take on this! :blush:

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Hey all,

Yep this is a known issue and it’s nothing to worry about, it’s due to the VM location being quite far from your other known locations.

We have a fix in the works for this!


I’m also in Germany and my R1 won’t even connect to Spotify. I use google login for Spotify and I get to the point where I put in the two factor authentication code from the google app and then it just crashes.
When I asked about this on discord people advised against connecting Spotify to the R1 since European accounts frequently get blocked because of the “suspicious activity” by the login attempts from the US.

Glad there is a fix on the way!


Hi @simon Any update on the fix for the outside US Spotify issue ? Thank s


I believe we fixed it? I’m in the UK and it’s working fine for me now.

What kind of issues are you seeing?

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After several attempts it worked for me and has been running stable for several days now. I’m from Germany, best wishes to my neighbors in the Netherlands. :slight_smile:


I had this when I first got my rabbit 3 days ago… will try to connect again now but I wasnt sure what added benefit connecting my Spotify gave me.

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Thanks Simon. I was waiting to hear it was fixed. I will try it again!


Good to know! I will try during the weekend.


Thanks Simon!
Do you know when will it be realesed the fix?
Had the issue in Italy 2 days ago and needed to change Spotify password.

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I hope I’m not saying anything wrong but the update should already be there, it was probably a cloud update. On the other site, all r1s download OTA updates automatically as soon as they are released. In that case, it’s best to have a power bank with you! Just a tip! :wink:

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It won’t work for me, either living in germany. It worked some days, then was my new account set out of order. I can’t login again, not with r1 (password and google method, that produces a crash like described) an get the message, there ist no such user. On getting a new password it is impossible to do so. Seems spotify has blocked my account. I made a new one - same result.


I would strongly suspect that it has something to do with Google and some crazy security checks and insinuations that Google carries out in the background. I am 100% Google free, even from Germany, and luckily I have no problems. I had problems the first time I logged in via the rabbit hole, but not since then.


Although I’m not so sure about the 100% Google free part… Are Google services also used for r1’s services? @rabbit

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I’m living in Austria and tried the Spotify connection today for the first time.
After some hours, Spotify reset my password due to subicious activities. So I guess, the problem is still not fully fixed.


I connected Spotify last night and by this morning the account needed a new password.

I think I will give up on trying to connect to Spotify. I am not totally sure I see the advantage? And each time the password gets reset I have to log in on several devices.

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