Spotify login and other bugs I noticed

when trying to log into spotify from the rabbit hole if you have a euro symbol in your password there is no way to enter it, the keyboard shortcuts create a question mark and you cant copy and paste the symbol.
Another bug I found was that when I asked for the weather it was giving me the weather from another continent. Transalation works very well but sometimes it starts with the wrong language , Other than a few glitches im still happy to have my R1 it’s a cool little device.

oh wow.
yea IMO, the r1 keyboard should just be the FUTO keyboard.

oh wait, I think I understood this wrong, you’re talking about setting up with the rabbithole webportal thingy.


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yup that thingy, was there another way to set it up?

I mean, can you use the pastebox thing on the right side?

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Unfortunately even if you cut the symbol from somewhere else it wont let you paste it or it will paste it as a question mark everytime.

there is also the sound not working sometimes