I have a soft voice and a British accent and the rabbit has a tough time picking me up for the first few tries I try to say soemthing. I have to super enunciate and speak really loud. Could something be done?
The only thing I can think of is to speak directly into the microphone then. Make sure you know where it is and make sure it is pointed towards your voice. If you have any covers on your R1, make sure the microphone(s) are not covered. I am sure you may be doing that already, but that may help. I do it all the time because I feel similar that it does not pick up everything I say, worried about background noise etc.
I have a similar problem. It recognizes my questions, but when I see the transcript from the Rabbithole it reads very differently from my spoken words. My “b” are almost always perceived by the rabbit as “v”.
Another have stated speak into or over the mics on the top try speaking slower.
I have problem with B some sound like P or V
I have north west English accent. But it eventually learned how I speak.