I love the device but honestly it’s become more something that irritates me every time I use it or it is a flop when I am in dire need of it and fast. I troubleshooted every suggestion the community has thrown my way, I’m not technologically stunted, I’m quite smart, so I honestly have tried every method to improve my experience that is possible but my problem is, no matter how harsh, loud, enunciated, close to the mic, speaking in an American accent, that i try, the rabbit simply does not respond when asked anything or work as advertised because my voice is too soft or I may have a faulty unit because I am very very unwell so shouting into the mic of the rabbit and STILL not getting picked up has become the most tiresome bad experience I could ever imagine with something so useful. The device simply cannot detect my voice and takes sometimes up to 5 tries of very very clear questioning to answer something that i could’ve just googled due to the level of incompetence this is showing me.
Maybe I need to have a replacement device sent to me and i return this, or something needs to be done because my rabbit won’t even generate ai images and I’m starting to lose hope in how awesome this is meant to be.
Can someone DO SOMETHING to help me? Can I have a new unit replace this one in the off chance that I was given a faulty unit? Can softer and female voices be picked up with the same accuracy as everyone else’s voice? I want to cry because of the frustration. When demonstrating the usefulness of the device I’ve been met with a silent ears down rabbit and embarassed myself in front of influential company.
Please can I have a new rabbit sent to me, I can return this one if need be, could I also have some sort of mic sensitivity change for me where I can be picked up properly because the simple “speak louder” doesn’t work in my situation because of reasons I do not want to disclose.
Please help.