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need some help with your r1? post here. spotted a bug? post in the bug report subcategory!

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I live in my car, thanks to sky-high rents, and I have to visit the Library to get on the internet. I PLAN to get a remote wifi unit, but not yet. Trouble is, my rabbit is stuck on something that won’t clear. Supposedly I AM verified, but the unit keeps telling me I need to do that on the site. I did put a large sim into the unit, which it seems it recognizes, but it won’t DO anything yet, but recommend I go to the site to “verify” the unit…

And then going to the site gets me the message that the link is old
is “maybe already verified?” (NOT)

Help! I might be slow in responding, as I will have to come to the Library to check my mail. Any ideas on how to connect my unit to the hole?

Often when I ask R1 a question - it make the question a note instead of giving me the information. I hold the button down and talk when the rabbit’s ears are up. What am I doing wrong - how do I correct this?

getting this 400 error when i try to sign into my rabbit hole where it used to work and i was able to sign into Spotify and sites etc… https://hole.rabbit.tech/api/auth/callback?error=unauthorized&error_description=user%20is%20blocked&state=eyJyZXR1cm5UbyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vaG9sZS5yYWJiaXQudGVjaCJ9

Hello! I have a question. Why does the “rabbit” translate well from Russian to Spanish, but from Spanish, it only translates to English and can’t translate to Russian?

Hi! the “press to speak” button suddenly does not work anymore in my rabbit :frowning:
It’s weird because i can click to select options from the settings but It doesn’t activate the speaking mode.
The other thing that’s happening is that it only charges up to 98% of battery, never gets to 100%
Can you give me a hand?

After many attempts, I can’t connect to “LAM Playground”. I have the rabbit on, I click it 5 times to refresh/reconnect but it keeps telling me that “LAM Playground” can’t connect to the browser. The browser I’m using is google chrome.

Another site that won’t pick up when I click on any of the elements on the page. https://hole.rabbit.tech/teach-mode/lessons/bc58eddb94f6439015300e16/record


also iCloud.com doesn’t work either