I’ve been having issues from day one with the word “rabbit” my r1 keeps thinking I’m saying “Robert” or “Robot” is there a way to better the speech recognition to make non-American accents more easily understood. It’s a bit frustrating to have to switch to an American accent to pronounce what I interpret at “ra’ebet” every time I want to ask about the r1 or rabbit in. To an American, my pronunciation might sound like “ruh’bit.”
How does the speech recognition work on the device? Is this something that could be updated?
I often ask my r1 to look up info new about rabbit inc. I love the company, and I like to stay up to date. When referring to the r1 device, I used to try saying “rabbit r1,” but I’ve found more success in just saying “r1 device.”
As of recent, I’ve been trying to gauge the replacement timeline for r1s with faults based on forum discussions and any other info my r1 can grab. Mine has a bit of the maraca syndrome that’s been going around. I’ve got a replacement request in, but it’s been on standby since late November. Unfortunately due to no response, the replacement needed to be re-requested, and was pushed in the back of the line in early January.