Emails about phone number

Hey everyone, I have received some emails that are requesting my mobile number from
R1 rabbit team support etc

From a Matthew

Looks suspicious to me so I am coming on here for the first time to get to the bottom of it. Been waiting 6 months to get answers on where rabbit R1 is progressing but not sure why I’m getting emails regarding my mobile number?

Anyone can explain?


@simon @mattdomko Can you maybe say something about it? Is it just fishing?


Hey @cigii - I know we needed to collect some additional information to ship to certain countries. That said, if you forward the email to, I’ll be happy to have someone confirm.


Can u print screen an share? or is it an official email ?

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If you are willing to share the email headers in discord or over DM I can identify where the email originated from for you.

Also if you don’t wanna share this might help make it a little more readable: Email Header Analyzer, RFC822 Parser - MxToolbox


Will do now thanks mate

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I will forward to Matt first and see since he is a rabbit staff

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Thank you will get back to you

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