Please, I need some help with my R1. It just started to appear this screen forever. I think it is corrupted. Is there any way I can restore it?
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@simon - Do you have a different view?
This is likely the result of someone attempting to flash/root the device We 100% support your right to do so (you bought a magical orange box… do what you want with it
) However, we don’t have the support staff required to help in these situations at the moment.
On the brightside, the nerds in engineering (me and a few others ) are very interested in making that experience better… it’s just not something we can provide right now
That being said, we do have a published set of firmware images here: GitHub - rabbit-hmi-oss/firmware: RabbitOS Firmware Releases … and I (personally, as an individual, not an employee) hope to see some additional tools uploaded there soon
Very interesting… I’ve found over the internet videos about running android os and so but I think it wipes out the value proposition. Hopefully instead of investing resources in supporting others to go away rabbit produces, it could be invested in finding ways to make the community stay. Yet I must say I’m impressed about the openess of the answers here.
Thanks! There is a discrete difference between “Matt Domko, employee at rabbit” and “Matt Domko, super nerd”. Both of them value transparency and open feedback though