Same as you, Batch 3 UK and the can’t come soon enough lol!
Yeah . . I know from past experience after countless questions of a similar nature it can grate with the more experienced users which is fair enough. So I’m hoping anyone posting here will feel comfortable asking for help or just general discussions on our newly acquired Bunny
I GOT HER!!! Just got back from a trip to the NBA Finals Game 1 and she was waiting for me. My college age son was super intrigued lol. “That’s sick” was his comment, which is the highest compliment you can get.
Yeah there is a bit of a learning curve. For example, it got stuck completely when I asked “show me a picture of a Cape Code bracelet” but immediately answered with a picture and explanation when I said “What’s a Cape Cod bracelet?”
Overall, though it’s really fun. My son wants me to take magic pics of every single thing in our house lol.
I thought it would be cool to compile something like this, a pooling of new holders suggestions/fixes/working prompts and the likes.
I wonder is there a way of attaching a sub thread to this Hangout Thread @rabbit using it as a resource without having to search all the other threads?
Ah . . Forget this @rabbit I’ve just seen the Wiki post from Rosemary