What's happening to R1?

Hello community,
I am writing to ask a simple question: what’s happening to Rabbit and R1? The community is not publishing nothing, the device is not been updated for almost a month, the News Feed is stopped to the moment they released TeachMode…
Can @everyone tell me something about what’s going on here?

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Not sure what you mean - we got gen voice and some other stuff right before the holidays, and now that the team is through the holidays, there’s an OTA on the way either this week or next. Seems fine? I think it was fair to give the team a short rest at the end of the year :grinning:


Holidays happened?

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Yeah, just general holiday slowdown over Dec and early January. Nothing to be concerned about. We’re all back now and prepping our next update :slight_smile:


I think if the development stopped ( never please ) today, I would be happy with what this little guy can do; let’s remember, one of the most valuable things, in my opinion, is how this device can retrieve information generally under 3 seconds on any subject is AMAZING, think about it. I use it for fact-checking things I hear online, not to mention what other things it can do. I don’t believe Jesse put so much into this and will let it fizzle away. Have some faith in these guys and how well they support the online here, like, Simon