Hi, I just don’t want to go to rabbithole from another device. Then you could enable “send to email” option to send a specific content to an email
They seem to be working on some kind of local history feature to check notes, recordings, etc.
but not sure if there will be a user interface for this. So far I understood r1 will just have access to old requests and use the info accordingly.
So the r1 automatically send your information etc to the rabbit hole so the r1 is linked to your own rabbit hole. So the rabbit hole should be able to know your r1 and allow it to access the rabbit hole automatically from its self. Like you can with other apps you have set up for r1. You could ask the r1 to take you to your rabbit hole it would automatically open your rabbit hole on your r1. It would do it the same way as all the other apps like door dash etc the r1 knows your login details. And also its serial number and that can be used as extra security to make sure it’s the correct r1 for its rabbit hole. I have no idea if you would need to reformat the rabbit hole to display correctly on the r1 but it could be done.
I agree here - I think we need a way to ask it to email us any entry from the rabbit hole. “Can you send me that in an email?” is all i need.
Obviously, some better integration into other systems might be even better, “Can you add that to my calendar?”, “Could you remind me that in 2 days?”
Yes, as the r1 already has access for uploads it can’t be that hard to create the same sort of api etc they use for other apps on the rabbit hole like for dash Apple Music etc.
Get the rabbit to do same it’s their system it should run flow less and shouldn’t break. It would display you rabbit hole and you know it’s yous as the serial number is linked to your device and hole plus account. So no other one or person can get it. The only problem at be the layout of the RH it may need some alteration to work and display correctly and be navigable on the r1 itself.
It does. I asked it to continue something I had started making (a lesson series) a few days ago. It could check with rabbithole and give me the info.
Did seem to have problems continueing though (will try again later).