rabbit r1 now supports 12 new languages!

hi everyone! we just dropped an important OTA, so the release notes have been updated, but this is big enough news to make a new thread, too.

r1 now supports changing the default language, starting with 12 more language options in addition to english.

these languages are:

  • Chinese (simplified)
  • Chinese (traditional)
  • French
  • German
  • Hindi
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Portuguese
  • Russian
  • Spanish
  • Swedish

we intend to add more languages over time, so let us know what you’d like to see supported!

how does it work? :listeningrabbit:
on the home screen, scroll up twice to enter the settings menu, where you’ll find a new option that says language. select it, and choose your new default language. after doing this, you’ll be able to speak to your r1 and have it speak back to you in the selected language, and the r1 texts and settings will also be localized.

if the accent doesn’t seem quite right with a generative voice, be sure to update your genvoice prompt in rabbithole to match.

for more info, check out our full press release here!


This is soooo exciting…I’m giggling literally :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


:netherlands: Dutch would be awesome.

And still hoping for auto recognition…


That’s so exciting and it works like a charme. This is such a huge deal for us as users :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:


more than ever the lack of metric system + temperature settings feels evident :slight_smile:


A very big thanks to all the Team of the @rabbit development!!! Fantastic!


+1 for Dutch! :netherlands:

Significant update though, this should make the R1 more appealing for a large group of people.


It works, and it works well. Thank you for that, it was long-awaited and really important. Well done.


Please add Danish language!

I would even volunteer to do manual translation for R1 specific actions if that is needed.


Hi @simon ,
Hi @rabbit -team,

we all welcomed the new year with some fireworks all over the world. :sparkler:
But with this update and this highly prioritized key feature in my opinion you have started an other great firework for our rabbits too, which will increase so many use cases for our daily work and tasks.

Also the rabbit becomes a constant companion.

So special thank to you and the rabbit-team for this feature.
With multiple languages the rabbit r1 made a big step forward into the new AI future together with your innovative LAM.


Thanks a lot to the Rabbit team for this so wanted update :smile: It works very well in French, I also ask to the Rabbit to describe a bottle wrote in German and it directly gave a description in French ! ( no need to ask for a translation :smile: )


Wow, Just LOVE the custom voice function, I got this Rabbit talking to me in a laid back kinda who cares voice. Will be playing with this, but don’t want to lose this one, save…save…


@discobot cita

:left_speech_bubble: Se vuoi che qualcosa sia ben fatta, falla tu stesso. — Charles-Guillaume Étienne

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So glad! Thank you. I was not expecting Rabbit to be so quick at releasing the language update. I thought it would take years…

French language tested with the kids. It works as it should. Now they can learn how LLMs work and practice their father’s tongue. That’s why I had bought the R1.

Thanks to all!


Thank you all for the love! We are so happy that we got this out.

We are monitoring all the comments about additional languages, and we plan to add more in a forthcoming update.