Can't get Recall to work at all

I’ve been trying to get something useful out of the recall function since it was released. I’ve tried multiple permutations of asking it to remember or “commit to permanent” memory, some simple details like my wife’s name and birthday.

With literally only a handful of times it’s been able to pull the correct information out if I ask it for the info, I would say the failure rate is near 90%. What am I doing wrong? It doesn’t matter whether I just ask it straight out, ask it if it remembers, or ask it to check the rabbit hole for the info. At best, I have to ask three or four times in a row before it will pull it out of a hat somewhere.

Most frustratingly, when I ask it what my wife’s name is, it’s saying “The owner of this device’s name is Sean Burgess.” Not what I asked… On two occasions, when I tried to correct it, it actually changed the owner’s name on my device to my wife’s name. Also not what I wanted.

I have Meta smart glasses that don’t even bill a recall feature and they immediately stored my wife’s name and birthday and can pulll it back up easily, even if I force it to make a logic leap to pull the info out.

Could you try using the word “recall” in your prompt?

Ie “recall the information I told you about xyz”


I’ve found asking for it to recall from “notes” and from the “rabbithole” can give/obstruct different results, though I am not sure why. For anything I want stored in long term memory I generally try to save it as a note, then ask the rabbit to specifically search for info in my notes.

Saying “recall” seems to be working. Thanks for the response.

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