Will the R1 receive calls?

Many people call the R1 a phone. In my case, there are 3 rules a device has to follow to become a phone :

  1. It has to be portable
  2. It needs an app store
  3. It needs to make calls

You can notice that the R1 follows all of these except for the calling feature. It even has a SIM card when most people have a hotspot when the R1 is offline. So will the R1 ever recieve calls? I am guessing that out of the 800 apps in testing there is going to be Whatsapp. If everyone ditched their devices and still no Whatsapp they might sue Rabbit.
Angry Mad GIF by Pokémon


“Many people call the R1 a phone”

I don’t think I’ve heard people call it a phone and I know the sales pitch of the r1 from the company itself specifically says it’s not meant to replace your phone.

I don’t get where you are coming from on this.
Did you just watch some rando persons review and preceed to make a dozen assumptions that you now want to blame everyone else for?



“” 1. It needs an app store""

Um, the r1 doesn’t have an app store, because again, it was never sold as a phone…


Wrong, it has the rabbithole @LadyTink

They never sold it as a phone in fact they made it clear it’s not a phone.
Just because it’s got at sim slot and can use cellular doesn’t make it a phone. Some tablets have the same thing and are not phone and can’t be used as phones.
As for apps store see above tablets have them along with phones but the rabbit hole I wouldn’t call an App Store. It’s totally different as your not download the apps to the device but just activating the apps in the rabbit hole to allow the r1 to attach and use them.

Definition of an App Store:

App stores are sites where users browse, download, and buy computing programs or “apps”, mostly for mobile devices. Though Apple claims copyright to the phrase "App Store

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is the rabbit hole an “app store”


App stores are defined by your ability to publish software that is obtainable by other users.

Is that a thing on the r1 right now?
They talked about a “skill” store of sorts after they eventually release the teach mode.

Is that the thing you’ve twisted into your own idea of an “app store” that the r1 has?

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Seriously the one take away difference about the r1 that everyone knew back in january was, that it was not like the HAP, which claimed to replace your phone.
Jesse says outright that it’s not designed to replace your phone.

Is this an example of human hallucination in action?
I’m used to my r1 doing that whole hallucination thing sometimes.
But people usually care a little more than that about just fabricating stuff so blatantly.

Maybe I was wrong about that, maybe ai hallucinations are a thing because they were trained on humans, who just make stuff up all the time I guess?

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There has be a lot of people hallucinating what Jesse said, I don’t know how more clear he could have made himself. It’s not a phone.

Also people thinking it can do things that it’s not made to do. But for some reason their selective hearing etc think it can.

Then we have the people who follow like sheep a certain YouTuber and, follow on this persons coat tails to give the r1 bad reviews. When it’s new tech and, it’s evolving be it slowly. If you look at the reviews of the r1 from before and after this person did a review you see a spike in reviews it was like they were waiting for a person to give their opinion.
Ok the r1 can be buggy but to give it a review so early I wouldn’t if in months to come they will review it again and say they were wrong I think not it would discredit their reviews. The number of people who decided buy the r1 and test it themselves and see what it’s like ignoring the reviews have found it useful. And hopeful as months go on it will continue to become more useful.


Yea, I’ll say this.
I waited until the reviews came out around april, and they all said the r1 was bad…

BUT, they were all only talking about the software, and I heard nothing about it’s hardware that…

That is what led me to buy the r1, software is fixable, hardware is forever xD

So I literally only bought it because there were angry reviewers.
If they were all praising it, I would have likely waited a few months, because it’s hard to believe the hype on stuff sometimes.

So yea, people need to pay attention to what they actually know, and not pretend they know stuff they don’t

Also, the OP is a child, says he’s 9 years old, and so I reported him since the TOS clearly says 13 is the minimum age allowed

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I so the demo did some reading and thought for a week after I would buy it so ordered it on January 17th got the free perplexity and I got the rabbit r1 June 24th. It was dead but a bit of power and it’s worked great since. Ok a few minor hiccups. But that’s to be expected. And seen if wasn’t that much in money I didn’t mind plus if you look at it the other way it was free due to the years sub of perplexity that I have used a few times.
I gave it a name and it knows mine. So it knows how to address me instead of user. It’s spooky when you say goodnight and it says it back with your name and a few other things hahah. Naming it makes is more personal.

Since I installed the SIM card a couple of days after getting the r1 it’s now become a bit of a habit to carry it with me and take pictures in place of my phone. A few more updates of things that are messing like timers, alarms, calendar, schedule. And it will be more of an assistant.

But I agree with you a lot of people expect things to work from the get go. Especially some of the young people. And if it doesn’t they complain. But I can’t see a problem. 1: no one is forcing them to buy it, 2: do your own research then decide, 3: they have a returns policy with refund. As for saying it doesn’t do as it stated it’s a rip off or scam maybe take another look at the demo and listen to what was said, somethings are coming later in year. And I don know of any scammers that continue to support their product ones they have the money. If they think it’s miss sold or miss represented then go into your local fast food shop look at the pictures on the menu and then compare what you get to the menu picture. A big difference.

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See, you have so much of a different story from me, but weirdly tho, I think we both got the r1 around the same time.

I want to get a sim card in mine too, but the only feature that is needed before I want to do that, is some kind of messaging.

Like I would love it if I could say “Check discord for new messages” and it tells me if there are new dm’s from people.

I only really use discord for messaging, and so this would let me fully replace my current usage of my phone.

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Also, I think you hit the nail on the head that, nobody is forcing them to buy it, and that they can always return it instead of being a crybully about it

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  1. I agree with the others that I’ve never heard anybody calling it a phone.
  2. I don’t want it to be a phone. For what? I have 3 phones already for business I don’t need a fourth one with way less functionality than my S24U or iPhone.
  3. What could be fun is a walkie talkie capability like the Apple Watch has. The button would be perfect for that. Who would you be able to talk to? Other R1 users (remember old blackberry’s BBM?)
  4. No appstore please. That would defeat the purpose of this device completely. If the development makes good on their promises there will be an improved rabbit hole with teaching mode in the future so you will be able to add other services on your own.
  5. So in conclusion, the R1 already does most of things I was expecting it to do. I bought it for easy access to basic AI information, translation (amazing) and because it looked great. I wanted something that was better than Alexa, Siri, Bixby, Google Assistant in a dedicated portable device. I didn’t expect it to be able to do the same what ChatGPT or Claude could do. I have a PC/MAC for that and a pro subscription. Ppl are expecting way too much out of a 200 bucks device without subscription and yes that’s partially the fault of Jesse’s promises but man, that’s called marketing. OpenAI promised in April that its new model 4o with an amazing lifelike voice and camera access will be available. Again, I’m subscribed and haven’t seen that yet, 3 months later.
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So much gold in you reply <3

  1. I will say, tho I dont want the r1 to be a phone, I do intend it as a phone replacement, only once it gets some mechanism for messaging in a basic way.

  2. Something like this, or even a discord integration where I could check dm’s, and reply to dm’s

  3. Amen to that, a clean experience, with less clutter and distraction is the goal IMO

Hoping this little gizmo keeps getting worked on


Yeah this isn’t a phone at all.

Let’s keep the discussion respectful, y’all.

The rabbit hole operates similar to an App Store with the connections page, but it’s important to note that the system uses “rabbits” not apps. These rabbits are LAMs acting on your behalf. In the near future, you’ll be able to download trained rabbits, which will certainly turn the rabbit hole into much more of an App Store.

Wow I ordered it January 10th and got it exact same day as you

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When was it born if you to to your rabbit hole it will say when it was born. Mine was 4th may