Just curious what everyone’s favorite hobby is. I just started rug tufting and its been a blast, I’m legally blind and have arthritis in my hands and fingers so its difficult at times, but I enjoy the challenge and love having an artistic outlet. Once I get good I can make rabbit rug LOL
This Ninja Turtle is my first project since I stared doing this, its slow going for me but so far I have all the black done. Will start on the other colors soon.
Can’t wait to see the Rabbit rug! Wish I had a crafting setup like yours, looks so nice and organized.
My hobby is baking, but this year I decided to learn how to make fresh pasta. Each month I’m tackling a different shape, and May was spaghetti! It’s pretty fun.
Listing my hobbies in no particular order, I enjoy playing video games, playing tabletop games, cooking, shooting, hiking, 3D printing, meeting up with the Tesla community and nerding out over the latest tech
I love drawing, photography and cooking but my favourite hobby has to be designing random things or making cool adverts for things. I love creative stuff especially things that get my hands dirty a little too.