How do you guys like to wind down after a busy day?

hey all!

Here I am after a big day out - went skating ate out with friends and managed my pups - now I'm home, took a shower washed my hands with my favourite soap and am sipping slowly on some Chinese black tea.

What do you guys do to wind down?


I like to read my Kindle in the hot tub :stuck_out_tongue:


Probably sitting down for a meditation session is my ideal otherwise listening to some music or watching a show for a bit.


what i like to do after a busy or long day is to eat some snacks and enjoy that. or i like to play video games (which is rare now) or i mess with ai or simply joining the rabbit inc discord and read the chat or engage in it or open this forum and see what people are posting. i hope at some point i can have a way of generating movies or tv shows with ai but that might be on accaeptable level in the future. what i also like is to scout the internet for new vases to buy