Teach Mode [Updates, Discussion & Feedback Thread]

With the command “using teach mode XXX” in the terminal I get the response “It seems that the teach mode is not available in this environment”
Will the functionality be available or am I approaching this incorrectly.

Hi @JohnMaguire ,

you are right. Teach mode lessons should be started with the terminal mode, too.

In the following topic I have created the idea to expand the functions of the terminal mode a long time ago:
>> Terminal mode starts tasks like ptt mode

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Another site that won’t pick up when I click on any of the elements on the page.

Name of Lesson: Dealermail CRM Customer Info Search
Task Description: Search for customer information using [first_name] and [last_name], then retrieve and display selected customer details.
Lesson URL: https://hole.rabbit.tech/teach-mode/lessons/bc58eddb94f6439015300e16/record


also iCloud.com doesn’t work either


Maybe set it up a different way. Find the site (ebay, amazon) and the product (microwave) and take the URL of that product as the starting point in teach mode…?

Edit: I tried it but it seems that teach mode doesn‘t allow a direct link to a product.

Hi to all,
i tried to teach something… but how can i scroll the site to “click” on items below the page?

That’s not possible I think…and that totally sucks :face_vomiting:


@simon @mattdomko @rabbit

Any update on the reported problems? Have they been fixed, still in the works, …?

Also, note that there have been two new reports from other users!

In my case TEACH MODE doen’t work properly almost never after finishing teaching. Or it struggles with google, which everytime logout, or it doen’t pass robot check on Midjourney

Here is the example of my Google Calendar Event. It works after teaching in web browser. From Rabbit > no and for while it stops bc of status disconnected from Google acc, which was previously saved to cookies jar


I tried to close session correctly without leaving TEACH MODE, LAM Playground via web or via r1, closing the tab with the little x and doing so I am able to remain connected even 2 days, but punctually something always happens so then when I am not in front of the pc and I make requests to my rabbit probably because it is unable to close the session correctly, when I try later I found my session logged out from google, this happens only with this service, with microsoft bing, github, rabbit forum and other website this doesn’t happen, only google…

Another workaround that I found to remain connected is that when I am away, not in front of my screen, when I have finished making my requests if I press the PTT button 5 times it is as if I were going to click on that little x of the tab, so at the moment I can make it stay connected longer than it should, but there is still something that bothers it and even doing this both on the move and in front of a screen, every now and then it goes into crisis and disconnects me…

I would like to definitively solve this problem, I can’t take it anymore!

This that we are experiencing, probably it is caused because of the first page settled as google.com?

@mattdomko is it possible start from another page instead of google, maybe from an about:blank ??? …or do you have any other workaround here?

Thanks in advance for whatever can be done…


I asked to perplexity and it clarify better… WOW, I need to try!!!


There was an interesting line in that Perplexity response - " 1. Usare il comando vocale “Sync my Google sessions” prima di operazioni critiche" a further question https://www.perplexity.ai/search/explain-the-temporary-mitigati-dCKuDOOgSpOxBG9fLLcmgg#0 says this was implemented by Rabbit as a workaround for cookie expiration - is this true or is the LLM making it up ?

Really interesting… yes if is true need attention… I hope to have time try this afternoon…

as usual, these are just hallucinations… nothing true :frowning: asking rabbit this, he starts a search… and ends with other Google bullshit that explains how to access the Security section to remove the standard 14 days, but this option is no longer available in the Google account settings, maybe only on Workspace the administrator has this function…

I saw that you removed the created page with hallucinations :slight_smile: I was going to delete the page me too, but I found a button says: SHOW ME THE SOURCES so I wanted to explore and I found fun activities inside…

this is one that I want to bring to your attention … I have not tried but I think this could be very interesting… if it works… WOW

How to … connect rabbit r1 to for example your android device or Windows. (Freeware) : r/Rabbitr1