Have you made a cool lesson on Teach Mode? Tell us about it here.
If there’s something we really like, we’ll reach out if you’d like to get it added to the “community lessons” tab (in the future, we’ll have a way for you to submit directly from rabbithole)
Here’s a simple one I made for posting to Bluesky. It couldn’t be simpler - click compose, type text, post! I plan to do some more with other Bluesky features soon.
I study Japanese on japanesepod101 which is an awesome site for learning. However it has a fatal flaw. It’s very hard to search. So I am always like “What lesson did I learn that concept in” and it’s impossible to find it. So Now I trained rabbit to go to the site and summerize the current lesson I am working on. This then gets stored in my journal. All I have to do is then say “hey rabbit what lesson did I learn about na adjectives in?” and boom it comes back and lets me know which lessons that was on. Also I can just ask questions about those lessons for more context. I am also going to build a lesson to add new words to my flash cards because I am always discovering new words and I want flash card creation to be easier.