Terminal mode starts tasks like ptt mode

Hi rabbit-team,
Hi everyone,

in the following topic I presented an example of a keyboard usage for our rabbits r1:

> Helpful keyboard usage

For example I use the keyboard function to not disturb my coworkers in my company compared to speak the prompts into my rabbit.

In my test for the terminal mode I noticed, that some prompts do not work. For example the prompt > ‘Record the meeting’
gives me the result:

‘Sorry, the function is not supported in terminal mode. Please switch to voice mode. Thank you.’

In my opinion all rabbit functions should work and should start in the terminal mode, too.

The new timer function can be started in the terminal mode.

Thank you for your support. :slightly_smiling_face:


But that won’t work for everything and it would be very advisable if it stayed that way, because terminal mode is currently very well suited to communicating silently with Rabbit.

However, if, for example, the creation of SunoIA songs were to run via terminal mode, that would be very counterproductive because it would take away the security of being able to work with it in a really quiet way.

Instead, I would suggest that, based on my example, instead of playing a song from the speaker, you could read the lyrics of the song in the terminal instead.

This could then be transferred to other application examples.


Hi @leahcim ,

thank you for your reply.
In my intention the terminal mode should support the basic rabbit features (example was mentioned), not extra/separate apps.:slightly_smiling_face:


Should definitely be able to do anything from terminal. If people dont want to be disturbed by noise, than they won’t prompt for songs or timers


The functionality via terminal, if implemented, would implement the frantic request of the various languages ​​in vocal mode, since already in terminal mode you can operate in your native language. It would already be a palliative while waiting for the implementation of the other languages. perhaps adding to the rabbit’s response the words: “turn the device to view the response”


Thank you for your reply @RaRa .:+1:
Have the same opinion.

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Hi @Kelevra ,

thats a really good argument for the implementation of this suggestion.

Thank you for your reply here.:+1:
I agree with you.

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This suggestion here should be expand with the ‘teach-mode’ too.

Would it be possible to start some teach mode lessons in the terminal mode, @simon ?

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