I noticed that sometimes the r1 has this repetitive sentences that are very obvious and un necessarily need to over hear 
anyone feeling this? 
A better way of saying according AI: I’ve noticed that the R1 sometimes repeats itself with phrases that can feel a bit redundant and unnecessary. 
This has been a complaint of mine since they released wolfram alpha, I try my best to avoid using wolfram alpha because of that annoying crap at the end. I have issue apparently LOL but we are wasting our breath asking about it.
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Yeah. I agree. The intro and conclusion are often identical. For an informational reply without any analysis the conclusion isn’t needed.
My grindey phrase everyday to measure any r1 changes is: “tell me a joke”, sigh…
glad im not the only one
I often cut rabbit off by clicking and turning off the screen, but it shouldn’t need to come to that.
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Yes… it just repeats the same joke, it’s the same with things like trivia
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Ask every day, when you get a different one’s, 10 times in a row, they are improving. Hard not to compare to google for basic smartness IMO
Maybe the system should control the model temperature dynamically based on how serious or creative the response should be.
“i’m here to assist you with any questions or tasks you might have, How can I help you today?” I would love some more personality and flexibility for the R1 to understand my requests.