User Wiki Thread - little tricks you need to know

I thought it would be useful to have a spot to share little learnings that may not be in the User Guide.

Category Goal Prompt Source Note F G
Search Get results with an image {PTT} “Search for an image of …” @I_AM_CAST via @flash
Search Get multiple examples {PTT} “. Give 5 or 10 examples.” @t4delis
Learn Learn a new language via flashcards {PTT} “Let’s make some flashcards for learning . You will give me basic words one at a time, and after each one, I will tell you the answer or say flip. And then you will tell me the English word that corresponds and move on to the next word.” @flash via @ctrl-r
Games Play Hangman {PTT} “Can we play hangman? You choose the word” @Gadsdencode via @hopper777 An edu version could be guessing words of a specific topic.
Summary Summarize a topic in a language other than english {PTT} “Give me a summary about … (topic) in the language … (e.g. german, italian, etc.) in … (100, 200, etc.) words. Please do not save this as a note.” Hint: If this prompt should initialize the translation mode, quit the translation mode. Than give the second prompt “Give me the summary." @BlueNexus9
Learn Guess rocks from given description {PTT} “I want to learn geology playing a game. You will give me some text description of rocks, then I have to guess what kind of rock is.” @IronRinn The game can be played with any topic, very useful for educational purpose
Shop Get quick product info from Amazon {PTT} “Search amazon for organic dog food less than $50” @pnivek
Read Read public documents {PTT} “Beta Rabbit: Read the entire text of the Declaration of Independence” Rabbit Jesus
Preferences x Services Use services with preferences {PTT} “My favourite song is DNA by BTS” → “Search journals for my favourite songs” → “Play that song” BinaryAddict Can be adapted for other services ie yelp, doordash, etc :slight_smile:
Image generation Make images in the style of magic cam that dont actually need to exist in real life like a delorean flying thru space Go to this link then type in your prompt, then double click PTT, then point it at the text, then click PTT as if you are taking a regular magic cam. Check rabbithole! TheOneRonG
Translation Translate Documents without indicating the source language {PTT} x2 (to activate vision mode) and then long press while looking at a document in a different language and say “What does this say in English?” Rabbit Jesus
Summary Explain things to someone but in a way that they would understand based on age. {PTT} “Beta Rabbit. How do I build a computer but explain it like I am 6?” Cat Can be used in various different ways. with different ages. I’m sure you could use this to explain computers to your grandparents.
Prompting Pictures The ability to take multiple Magic Camera Freestyle pictures without having to re-prompt every time. {PTT x2 to bring up Magic Camera Freestyle} Then say, “Take a picture of …” Once the first picture is generated, place the R1 face down on a table (so you are taking a blank pic) and take another picture without repeating the prompt. Repeat as desired. This works even if the “camera’s magic ran dry!” JorgeJunior Can be used so you do not have to constantly reprompt if the picture is not to your liking. It will spit out pictures using random skins.
Preferences Save personality states for r1 {PTT} “Let’s create a personality construct for you. Please save a note in the rabbithole labeled personality construct with the following details: respond is a way that is witty, humorous, and intelligent.” // [later] // {PTT} “Search the rabbit hole for info on your personality construct. Please adopt this personality” @C28 This may arrive in the form of customization features in a future OTA, so be advised that this method may become outdated.
Recall The ability for the Rabbit to display multiple notes with dash points to view. Save a note to rabbit hole with one name, if you recall it will tell you the note, but only quickly display the info on the rabbit logo screen. But if you save two notes with similar names, it will actually display the notes on the screen in a nice format with dash points. Example: Save a note called my todo list…save a note called my business todo list. Recall my todo list. Rabbit Jesus This is a much better way of recalling IMO, because you can actually take your time reading the info.
Movies Figure out the best movie to see in theaters {PTT} “Beta rabbit, I’m going to give you the names of several movies. Please look up the Rotten Tomatoes score for each of them and tell me which one has the best score.” Flash
Shop Compare prices for a product in your local area {PTT} "Beta Rabbit, please find the price for [Swiffer WetJet] in the [Charleston SC] area. Tell me where the cheapest price is. Flash Insert your own product and city/state. You can also add a followon to ask the price range on Amazon.
Travel Find out what weather will be along a route of travel {PTT} "Beta Rabbit, I’m driving from [location A] to [location B]. Please tell me what the weather will be like today in both places and along my travel route. Flash Works great for point to point; it will first look up the travel route/directions, and then provide weather forecast for the whole route.
Car driving Find out how long of an distance i can drive with my car with the remaining fuel left in my car tank {PTT} If I have a car that can contain 25 liters of gas in the tank thing, how many times can I drive to McDonald’s from here if I have around 30 to 25% of gas left, And where is the closest gas station located near me? Foxplaid This works really great if you want to be more informed and curious before driving to a x destination and you want to be sure about the fuel that is left of how long you can drive

Please edit this wiki by clicking “Edit” at the bottom right of this wiki entry.


This is a great idea! Looking forward to learning from community on some neat tricks using r1.


That is what I’ve had mind. Sticky post on user prompts to effectively get desired results.

I have the device only for less than a week, but I am struggling to:

  • get the picture from search result - as suggested “search for an image of…” WORKS (giving 4 photos)
  • get long text response? Usually it gives only ONE sentence (Very LOW Verbose), and I need to specifically specify at the end of the prompt “give 5 or 10 examples” or smth similar with varying degrees of success
  • I would love to see a table when asked to put information in a table (probably UI is lacking capabilities)

What other voice prompts do you use to have the best results?


If you’re OK with it, @flash - i’ve made your original post into an actual wiki, so r1 holders should be able to update it, and if something is incorrect we can revert to older versions. Worth a try!


Awesome, thank you! I will scavenge around to see if there are more tidbits to add as well.


Here is one to try, Let me know if you get better results. I asked r1 is we could play a trivia game about 70s rock. It said sure, Ask me any question about 70s rock and i’ll see if I can provide you the answers. I responded with I want you to ask me the questions and I will answer and you tell me if I am correct. Great it understood that and responded Let’s begin. It asked me the first question, I pressed the button and responded. It congratulated me on the correct response. It then asked me the next question. I responded correctly but then it responded with the standard “Let me think about that” and instead of telling me I got it right or wrong, it gave me info on the artist in my response, provided by Wolfram Alpha. That was the end of our game. No more questions followed. What I thought was going to be a fun game ended quickly with the wrong intent. Anyone else have any luck with this? a better starting prompt maybe?


Hi Mike, interesting. It would be good to solve this one, my wife loves her pop quizzes.

I’ll give this a go when the r1 drops, hopefully within the week :+1:t2:

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I played hangman with R1 and was pleasantly surprised how well it did. The word turned out to be “HOUSE” and it even gave me a visual on screen with blank spaces that it filled in as I guesses correct letters.


To change from Fahrenheit to Celsius just tell the r1 to do “from now on use Celsius instead of Fahrenheit for Temperature”. The same works with metrical instead of imperial.


I got it help me practice some Spanish with virtual flash cards by giving it this prompt: “Let’s make some flashcards for learning Spanish. You will give me basic Spanish words one at a time, and after each one, I will tell you the answer or say flip. And then you will tell me the English word that corresponds and move on to the next word.” It worked really well!


This is nice! Would it be somehow possible to store certain prompts for recall at a later moment? I don’t think this is possible but just curious.


Every time I try this it immediately opens up the Settings with the Timezone. So it does not work for me, unfortunately.

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Strange. Worked for me. I will check the exact prompt.


@simon @jesse @rabbit_staff Love the new Prompt Book!


very glad to hear you are finding it helpful! :raised_hands:


is there a link to the wiki or am i just being blind? :rofl:


Where do we find this wiki. And… apologies for the simple miss, as I just got here :wink:

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I made the first post in this thread a wiki which should mean anyone can add to it, but people have been replying instead!

I’ll add all the suggestions into it when I get a chance.


That doesn’t work. When I ask it to use Celsius or to use metric it always defaults back to imperial measurements.


It does work if you explicitly tell r1 to display the units in Celsius, and you’re right, it defaults back to Fahrenheit units.