Sharing, export and import the 'teach codes' of LAM sessions

Hi @rabbit -team,
Hi @simon ,
Hi community,

in this topic my suggestion is, to give the possibility for every succesful LAM session to export, share and import the ‘teaching code’ by other users.

For example I have created a teach-mode session about xyz. After the test I can click an export-button which gives the user a *.txt file, *.xml file or something like else, which includes the teach-code of my session.

This code can be shared with other users.
Other users can import the file or paste the code into the LAM section in the rabbit-hole.

Personal data like passwords should not be exported.

This process could open a new or additional way to share ideas and more useful AI tasks for our rabbits.
The community is also strengthened.


This is what the planned lesson store is for. Eventually, I believe the plan has been stated to put together something so users can sell cool teach mode lessons to others.


Thank you, @MrPickles.:+1:
This should be the right way for an implementation.