rabbitOS release notes

Or have the possibility to scrape the site and put together the information and read it


I went on their site. Funny I do not see it mentioned in the hardware specs. But, in one of the updates it mentions GPS improvements. Here is the link that mentions GPS: rabbit - quarterly update: best-selling AI hardware, LAM 1.5, AI-native desktop OS, and more

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Hardware of rabbit r1 plus th update for GPS

It would be great if R1 beta rabbit could

  1. Refer to notes in rabbithole, update them, and recall them,
  2. Provide status updates on processes–not drop tasks and go to sleep (It says “I’m on it”, but then doesn’t proceed with the request–r1 just goes to sleep. I ask beta rabbit, what’s going on, and it can’t remember.
  3. Not concoct notes when it can’t recall one. I asked r1 to refer to my grocery list. Instead, it forgot my original note and concocted a new one. Then when I asked what happened, r1 told me, the reason for my original note being lost could be a rabbithole security breech. Really?
  4. Sometimes my prompts take me time to say, and before I’m done, the r1 thinks I’m powering it down.
  5. Misunderstands my sterile west-coast American English. It always mishears what I’m saying all the time.
  6. R1 told me about it’s beta rabbit features including timekeeping and recalling notes from rabbithole. It makes things up about itself. r1 tells me it will set up a reminder as if it can, but then doesn’t remind me of anything. It’s odd.



Yes, me too have nothing updated! And what about the Wi Fi strength meter on the r1 main screen? Still nothing updated on my r1 device. …And yes my r1 device is Wi Fi connected & turned on ALL THE TIME, in stand - By - mode. So what’s going on Updates?:thinking::thinking::thinking:

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True, I haven’t had a UI indicator of anything in a few weeks.

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Would be so nice to have some UI indicators

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What version of software are you on.
Go to settings and about.
It will give you r1OS version
Mine is up-to-date below. As of 25 July 2024.
Not include any update due today.


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Hello Hal-9000, this a very old 2001 a Space odyssey theme, its one my favourites.
Ok, regarding your reply as to SETTINGS, ABOUT in my r1 is: almost the same as yor r1OS
My r1OS reads: 20240626.11/0.8.112(134D947)
Your r1 reads: 20240626.11/0.8.112(13D947) Note: yours is missing a 4 (see mine)
Or was this 4 just left out by mistake?
I guess it was?
This r1OS is the DATE & MONTH = 26th June 2024
(not July 2024 that makes it out of date?)
In anycase that makes our r1OS exactly the same.
My question to you is: How do you know your r1 is up to date?:thinking:
“As of 25th July 2024”
My r1OS has not changed since it was setup on 5th July 2024
And YES it is turned ON & is connected to Wi Fi internet connection & it is powered on to 100%
Let me know if I have made an error here in my belief my r1OS is not Up-To-Date.
BTW in Software Updates dated 6th June 2024 a few lines down you’ll see: …
● Main Screen now shows signal strength/connection status notification
On my Rabbit r1 there is NO SIGNAL STRENGTH /Connection status.
So whats going on mate ???:thinking:

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My error it’s same as 20240626.11/0.8.112(134D947) yes same as yours.
Update sometime today but not sure if OTA or just cloud update will know later today


Hey people,

My r1 is officially down. Hope the next OTA fix things, done multiple reset with now luck. I just cannot get it online anymore.


Hello Hal-9000,
In my last message to you BTW regarding the “Software Updates” &
Scrolling down to the 6th June 2024. SUMMARY

“● Main screen now shows signal strength/connection status notification”.

“Simon Balmain” has replied to my question over & clarifying this.
Basically its not a bar meter as in our smartphones at the top of the screen but rather a connection status text when our Rabbit r1 device is turned off & turned back on again.
You will see very small text in the background displaying …

connection, disconnection & connection, as the r1 device is powered back on again.

Cheers… RickRabbit

Are we getting a update today?


Hi @Maycris ,

an announcement for releases could be find here:

a quick update on releases

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I think in the near future, there won’t be a toggle because it’s going to replace the old system :weatherrabbit:

To use magic camera, simply take a photo in vision mode with no prompt. Just click in the ptt button, and in 20-60 seconds, a beautiful new rendition of your photo will appear in your rabbithole journal.

I have a post here, which I hope to soon turn into a wiki that lists out these sometimes hard to find “tricks” on the r1 device.


Aren’t we due an update? Been weeks since a visual cue but also weeks since I expected things to improve, so – Wish we could get some UI assurance that we’re all of the same page (software-wise) since so many people are frustrated with the functionality. I think we need better (dumby/normie-proof) updates whether it’s via youtube videos or ‘pushed’ device notifications… IT WOULD BE SO NICE AND SO LUXURIOUS TO GET UPDATES IN DEVICE UI THAT

– ‘COMPANY’ IS FIELDING the very many various reported ISSUSES WITH R!.’


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I can understand that very well, but I’m sure the rabbits are doing what they can and we just need to be patient.

Developing a simple app is something different than bringing such a beautiful piece of hardware and software together in such a way that it also has to meet the high standard of being the easiest computer in the world to use.

If you then also consider what is possible with the teach mode and what holy shit incredible potential is still contained in this small piece of really beautiful hardware and software, then wow!

Ladies and gentlemen, please sit back and relax, treat yourself to a corrote and just let the rabbits do their work.

That’s how I see it.

Even if it takes another 1 - 2 months until the next update, what does it matter (in this case)?

I mean, hey, I ordered r1 and had to wait over half a year for it to arrive, so I don’t mind waiting a little longer until everything is as good as it should be in the end.

And think about how many other companies do you know that listen to their community and allow them to participate as much as Rabbit does?

I love it! :carrot: :otarabbit:

So if what the rabbits are doing gets better over time, then it’s always better for all of us.

I think we should really try not to put them under any more pressure, I think they’re already putting the pressure on themselves, at least some of them.

I just hope that over time everything will turn out the way we want it to here in the community and that r1 will become the most successful invention in this class of device and that we can be an important part of this success story.


A little slowing down would certainly do the whole world some good… :earth_americas: :earth_africa: :earth_asia:


I think the Suno integration is the best! Although it unfortunately refuses to work after 1 or 2 song generations, as access is apparently restricted due to login discrepancies. (I’m from Germany and the rabbithole link had already caused problems with Spotify). but hey, more a problem of the (strict) security precautions of the providers I would say.