Postpone OTA Software Updates in future releases...

I would like to request a function to postpone OTA Software Updates in future releases.

Background: Last Thursday evening I was not using the R1 through the day and when I arrived in that restaurant in the evening I saw the following message (see image below), so I could not use rabbit help with a conversation with the waiter, translating the menu or other helpful things you can do in a restaurant :frowning:


I think this could be solved technically, but there would have to be multiple versions (at least two) of the cloud connection to the Rabbit Hole. So that one is active until the update has been carried out and then after the update the switch is made to the latest version of the cloud connection.

The only question is, would @rabbit be ready for something like that? @rabbit

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I made a suggestion out of it.


I vote for this too. It happened to me two times already, where I wanted to use my r1 and I had to wait until I came home to plug it in and update it


@jorge - Vote for it then in the Suggestions and ideas! Leahchim put it over there and we should ideally use forum like that and ring that Vote area so Rabbit pays attention! :slight_smile:


I was blind! I didn’t see the “Vote” thing until now. I voted :slight_smile:


I had a similar experience the other day. I grabbed it on my way out and didnt notice that it wanted to update until i went to use it while out.
A simple ‘update later’ option wouldve been great and expected given its a device we’re expected to use on the go.
Also found it odd that it couldn’t tell me what was in the update.


Moral: Don’t leave home without checking for an update