When asking for something to rabbit to look for that might require some more time it says “looking for xyzzy” but then while its looking I’m unsure if rabbit it’s still looking for it and its taking longer than usual or if it just dismissed my request.
Ex of today:
Me: “Rabbit look for some hotels in Paris under 400 usd”
Rabbit: Looking for options under your budget~
After that rabbit screen stays the same and I receive no response.
Me: “Were you able to find options?”
Rabbit: Looking for options in Paris under 400
After this happens screen stays the same so I’m unsure if rabbit is looking or if it just dismissed my query. I would suggest adding a text of “Looking” or sth similar to that that fist the aesthetic rather than just ignoring the query completely.
I asked again and rabbit mentioned that it is currently looking for options and thank you for your patience but how would I know? nothing on the screen lets me know that rabbit is still processing my query.
I’ve had this happen in the past, and even my rabbit hole says “searching for … When the answer is found, the user requested to be notified via email.” because my third time asking i added to email when the answer is found. no email was received. and it looks like r1 added my request as a note to the rabbit hole, since it’s yellow there.
Sometimes it feels like it gets stuck like that for me after I have had a more intensive conversation with it. A quick 5xptt refreshes and I start to get normal results again.
is there a link to these “x amount of ptt button pushes” features? i feel like i heard or read about them but can’t find or rremeber them i know holding 60 secs is hard reset. 2x is magic eye on/off etc…