I’m almost certain that other users had this problem, but I haven’t found another topic to it right away.
If you haven’t used r1 for a long time and then turn on the display and then immediately activate the Rabbit Eye and want to quickly take a nice photo, it looks to users as if everything went well, but in reality, in such a case, if the Internet connection is not yet established, the photo is saved to Nirvana and is therefore lost.
I think photos should always be at least temporarily saved and only sent to the Rabbit-Hole when a secure connection has been established.
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Hi @leahcim ,
I agree with you.
This bug is also given by ‘record a meeting’, ‘save notes’ etc ., if the internet connection interrupts for a very short time.
By watching the latest ‘key note’ on the website the development team published, that they will implementate a local storage on r1 to save files etc …
This can solve this problem in the future. So we have to wait.
Very good, my point, that could been from me, then we’ll just wait. 
In the meantime, I’ll treat myself to a more relaxing coffee. And if that’s still not enough, I’ll start nibbling on a carrot like a really real rabbit.

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I think “issues & bugs” is not more the perfect topic for me…