Via bluetooth with a chinese ring called J06 is not disabled
Pretty cool.
What do you think @mattdomko - shall we disable it or let it stay?
That’s awesome Unless… Is it causing a problem for you?
For clarity on this: in engineering, we very rarely say, “we should take this option away” … I don’t like putting in effort to remove something that already exists unless there is a REALLY GOOD reason to As time goes on, I expect us to unlock new interaction methods… not remove them
hahahaha probably the ring wants to slide up, down, left and right, no any problems for me and the community (its only ahesthetic because doesn’t work )… wow, I hope to see what you describe guys, thanks for taking it into consideration!
Can we ask if want to leave this function enabled also to @discobot fortune
Reply hazy, try again
Ok, let’s let them decide then @discobot fortune
Outlook not so good
Ouch…. Oh… here I go to prod…
You’ve disabled me in your preferences. You need to allow new user onboarding tips to interact with me.