Missing: Warning if you're not connected to Cellular...

I was home most days this week, using Rabbit with Wifi, Cellular off as I don’t need it at home.
Then this morning I went for a 4 hour hike around my house and took some pictures with the R1 only, I didn’t get a connection warning so I assumed the pictures where taken.

I came back just now and wanted to see the images in my rabbithole, journal empty (no images at all). Not a nice surprise, would be better if there is a warning or a connection error.



It happen to me to deactivate the cellular connexion and go out, but when i press PTT and talk to the r1 it writes on there with gray connecting , or disconnected

@alex.hent That’s all fine, but I did not PTT to talk.

I just PTT once to activate the R1, then double PTT to activate the magic camera and took the pictures. No warning was given, although I could not see anything on the tiny screen as it was to sunny outside.

You are right, it should be more visible if u are disconnected , something clear like a icon



I like your icon.

But thinking of the outside an additional accoustic alarm would also be nice, like my fridge how alarms until I confirm that the door was open :slight_smile:

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yeah this means clearly that without connection u cant use your r1. could be useful to be able to ask him things from the journal for example even if u have internet or not. but as the r1 doesnt have an ai install in/on the device it can only work via cloud connexion

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I didn’t even realize that r1 could even enter camera mode without an active connection. But I just tested it with both cellular and wifi purposely set to “off” and yeah it will enter camera mode and act as though it is taking a picture.

Hopefully in the future if they enable local storage this will be an asset as it will allow pictures to be taken when you are not connected or if you have a bad connection.

But for now I would consider this a bug and they should not even let you enter camera mode or at least flash a warning that camera mode will not work without an active connection.