Minor bugs when using Dutch language

Hi Team,

Here are my first discovered bugs/mistakes when using the Dutch language in R1.

  1. Numbered lists: When the R1 uses a numbered list, the R1 speaks the numbers in English.

  2. Accents: For some words the R1 uses German pronunciation with is incorrect. Eg Methode (English: method)

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I’ve noticed that there are some other considerable issues

  1. Since switching language I noticed that R1 is ‘ignoring’ my questions more. Meaning: PTT → question → spinning wheel → nothing

  2. The times the R1 does respond there is noticeably more lag/loading time before giving back the answer


Thanks for the language update!

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Fyi @simon just updated this post

I noticed the same issue with italian language, sometimes the answer is in english. often with numbers, or with the timer….

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