I’m going to write this slightly differently than I usually post here so that translation apps have an easier time… less slang, less contractions, etc… please know that I’m super thankful for your feedback, and eager to apply it!
Please keep the feedback coming! We are hard at work fixing the bugs you find
- Below is a list of bugs I know about as of 17 January. There will be more, and we will track them independently. Do not worry if this list does not include your issue
Please note, this is my personal estimate after looking at the code. We will try our best to fix things faster.
Reminders :
When you set a reminder, it will only use english. This should be a quick fixThis is fixed -
When you set a reminder, it will only use english. This should be a quick fixThis is fixed -
This is unrelated to language, however it probably impacts non-english speakers the mostThis is a work in progress. The weather card should be in celsius now if your language is not set to. I think it will take more time to fix than alarms. I think it will take less time to fix than numbers.
Numbers: The message uses the correct language, but the numbers are read as English. This will be a longer fix. The problem is with our text to speech api. We are working on it
Capitalization: Capitalization is important in many languages. r1 does not use proper uppercase and lowercase letters. The company branding is to use lowercase in English. We will fix this for languages where capitalization is important. I think it will take more time to fix than alarms. I think it will take less time to fix than numbers.
Loanwords: If your language uses words with the same spelling as words in another language the device occasionally speaks the word in the wrong language. The device may also fail to recognize the word when you speak it. This is a problem with both our text-to-speech and speech-to-text engines. We are working on a solution. It will be a longer term fix.
Intention Triage: I cannot get photo gallery to open in my language. Our LLMs are multi-language, but they do not always understand which “tool” to use in specific scenarios. If you cannot get an intention to work (Music, Translator, Magic Camera, etc) in your native language, try phrasing it differently. The english phrase may not have a good idiomatic translation. Please let us know what you tried, and we will try to update the prompts to work better. This will slowly get better over time. Please note that we currently share prompts across languages. This means that we have to test changes slowly so that a quick-fix for German does not break Spanish
Translations for settings, menus, and common responses : These are easy to fix once we know about them
Please keep the feedback coming and we will address them as time permits. Any incorrect translation in the device menu will require an OTA.
- My definition of “short term fix” and “long term fix”:
- Quick / Short : Measured in days or weeks
- Long term : Measured in weeks or months
- Remember - these are “Matt Domko estimates”. I’m the security guy. I just REALLY love this company and this community. So I share my thoughts
Thank you again for all your help and patience I hope this post was useful!