I have been playing around with getting LAM Playground to send emails, works great with LAM Playground (Web), when I tried it on R1, it needed to login, it doesn’t have my login credentials of course but it keeps trying to login, I paused R1, logged in, and was able to send the email - when I tried again on R1 it needed to login again - This was all while I was logged in fine on LAM Playground (Web)
R1 should be able to use already logged in details
Have you tried just logging in on your own first in the browser not mid- prompt? That’s what it says to do on the lam playground page - that’s what I did, and it’s stayed logged in on my gmail and twitter just fine on both desktop and r1 lam experiences just fine.
Thanks for checking this for me, I tried to login in on LAM Playground first and then went to R1 to try to send a mail but ended up with the same issues, I will keep looking at it, glad it is working for you as that makes it more likely something I am not doing right - cheers
Yeah, once I got it to save all of my logins, it’s been great, but I remember when I would have to constantly log in and it was super annoying. Hope it gets fixed for you.