Login credentials not shared between LAM Playground (Web) and LAM Playground (R1)

I have been playing around with getting LAM Playground to send emails, works great with LAM Playground (Web), when I tried it on R1, it needed to login, it doesn’t have my login credentials of course but it keeps trying to login, I paused R1, logged in, and was able to send the email - when I tried again on R1 it needed to login again - This was all while I was logged in fine on LAM Playground (Web)

R1 should be able to use already logged in details

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Have you tried just logging in on your own first in the browser not mid- prompt? That’s what it says to do on the lam playground page - that’s what I did, and it’s stayed logged in on my gmail and twitter just fine on both desktop and r1 lam experiences just fine.


Thanks for checking this for me, I tried to login in on LAM Playground first and then went to R1 to try to send a mail but ended up with the same issues, I will keep looking at it, glad it is working for you as that makes it more likely something I am not doing right - cheers

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Aw sorry that didn’t work :sob:

Yeah, once I got it to save all of my logins, it’s been great, but I remember when I would have to constantly log in and it was super annoying. Hope it gets fixed for you.

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I’m having the same problem trying to do a task:
Search for a book on Goodreads.com and add it to my “Now reading” list and a specific shelf.

I’m already logged in on the web playground, but when I trigger the prompt from r1 it tries to log in, every time ):

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The Cookie Jar

Have you already tried importing the cookie with your Midjourney login state into the rabbithole? See: https://hole.rabbit.tech/cookie-jar

The cookie jar is a way to reuse cookies from a session in your normal browser. These cookies can be used in LAM Playground and Teach Mode.


The above answer is correct, but this is now an outdated thread. So I will close it.

Cookie Jar indeed shares your saved cookies across Playground (both r1 and web driven) and your Teach Mode sessions. :raised_hands:

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