I'm the 95%.. 🤷

I find myself checking this forum more often than I pick up the device.
When I do my reaction is often “nah, still Nerfed” and head back to see if there’s a “Do Anything Now” or Unleashed mod in the works.
The Magic camera runs our of ink with things ranging from clowns and zombies to my two hairy legs.
You can’t get any serious replies if you ask about Sex, Drugs & Rock ‘n’ Roll.
GPT can discuss and give structured answers on most controversial topics. The bunny is not having any of that.


I agree it could be more open on many subjects, especially if the Ai are doing it. I know Pi.ai is about has tight as Rabbit r1


…ok, I’m not 95%… :smile:


There, I fixed it.

…I just told it to make the picture safe for children or SFW. :person_shrugging:t2:

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