Just made a teach mode lesson for creating events and add them to my google calender!!!
Just made a teach mode lesson for creating events and add them to my google calender!!!
Can you share the lesson ? - Thanks
How do I do to share it?
There’s not currently a good way to share your lessons with others, however there’s already a pre-made community lesson already in the rabbit hole for creating google calendar events, so no need to make one.
Just go to your rabbit hole, teach mode, and click on community lessons. Find the one about adding an event to your calendar, and save it.
gonna look for it
You can request the sharing of a lesson in the community tab with this form (:
I did try the community lesson and it works so… However… I did also manage to successfully create a lesson to Send Emails, and that one it not in the community lesson so I use the forms to send that one!
how do I find community lessons to try out? I would love to try this one as now days I rely on Google calendar far to much so this would be a great lesson to have with my R1 I’m unfamiliar right now with creating lessons so if it is possible to use the communities it would be great and I’d love to test it out and report back any issues if any,
Go to your teach mode tab right in the rabbit hole, and click on community lessons under the ’ teach a new lesson’ section. Quite a few to try out, and I believe there will be more (eventually).
Thank you I did finally find that now I’m wondering how I do this do I talk to my R1 to schedule it in the same format and it will do it? Or do I need to do this thru the playground Everytime?
You generally have to follow through with teach mode lessons as they are made so for the one in community lessons, you’ll need to follow the same format each time to schedule something new - example being, ‘add pick up the dog to my calendar at 9 am on december 20th’. It will then go about its business and schedule the event named that, for that time and date.
Keep in mind, teach mode is different than playground, so you will need to specify teach mode each time you do it (for now), so you’ll have to make sure you lead with 'Using teach mode…(add the event) ’ or you can ask it to add the event and add at the end ‘(add the event)…using teach mode’, etc. Just make sure it’s specified somewhere. How I would prompt this one would be ‘using teach mode, add start the laundry at 6 am on december 20th.’
So, make sure you’re all signed in with google in the Cookie Jar, save the teach mode lesson so that you can use it, and give it a shot
You absolutely can just use playground for something like this and see if it works, but this will be more consistent.
And it will work with using R1 talking to it ya?
Everything you can do with teach mode and playground can be done with just voice on the r1, sure. Lessons just need to be first taught on a desktop though.