This idea is now to improve the Freestyle Magic Pictures, but it is actually also generally applicable.
I think the Freestyle Magic Pictures are a wonderful thing, but especially for users who are not here in the community or simply haven’t read enough here, I would say it is simply invisible, just like many other functions of r1.
And that is simply because the function is there, but you just have to know about it and you also have to know how to use it.
In my opinion, this is going in the wrong direction.
I therefore think that as soon as something is done with Magic Picture, r1 should ask on its own initiative whether it should leave it at that or, if not, then offer that you could do all the cool things with the captured image in the direction of the Freestyle Magic Picture function.
In which r1 then offers, for example, random things that it could do with the image!
I think it would also be great fun for the developers to actually implement such a great thing… @rabbit