Hi all
If you’re reading this, you’re one of the first people to gain access to our forum, and we’re thrilled to have you here.
As the forum grows, certain topics of conversation will more naturally find a better home here compared to our Discord server, and we’ll archive some channels there that are a better fit here.
Here’s what I’d like you to do whilst we’re in the testing phase:
- Please introduce yourself in the introductions thread.
- Please create a new thread, on any topic you like. No spam or test posts please.
- Please add your avatar and info to your bio.
- Please pick a bug or improvement that you’ve already found or suggested on Discord and post it in this category.
- Please test out voting in that category.
- Please poke around the settings, your permissions, and let me know if anything is janky and/or broken. We need to catch anything before we open up more widely, so please flag anything to me that you find.
- Please test sending a DM to another user.