the introductions thread! 👋

Thanks for visiting the rabbit forum! Please feel free to introduce yourself here.

I’ll start!

I’m Simon, Community Strategist at rabbit. I’m from the UK, spent many years as a professional musician and have been working in the tech space for almost a decade, including as an early employee of Monzo, the most prominent fintech banking app in the UK, and later as a Senior Community Manager at Twitter 1.0 (until the company was sold).

I like funk, hip-hop, electronic and rock music - my favorite artists of all time are Prince, Michael Jackson, Nirvana and Tupac amongst others, and I love travelling. When I’m not travelling, I like playing videogames - mostly PS5 and Switch!


Hey all! im xenwow, im a rabbit fan and am studying Industrial Design!

I love messing around in blender and visual studio when i can, but to detox i do partake in the occasional film photography session.

looking forward to see how this community grows!


Hey guys, glad to be here! I’m justin, aka justjustincrow, and now dotjustin. Looks like @xenwow was here first but this is my mark!

I’ve been pretty active in the discord for a while now, and am very excited about the potential rabbit holds.

Fun fact about me is that I was the winner of the art contest, and I’m currently developing superpowers for r1!


Hi Everyone!

rooski is my nickname (given to me by my grandfather) my actual name is Connor. Im a big rabbit and r1 fan and I’m stoked to be here.

I’m from upstate New York. I work as an Account Manager for a marketing and tech company called linqd. I’m deeply fascinated by AI and machine learning and hope to one day orient my career snd creative drive towards these fields. I play piano and produce music in my home studio. I love music of all types… seriously. Some days I find myself listening to smooth jazz, experimental electronic music, indie rock, and hip hop/rap in the same day. I’m a lover of all arts and try to travel and experience new things as much as I can!

Looking forward to getting to know you all a bit better. :v:t2:


Hello everyone! The name is tech, little background, I’m a tech enthusiast, network security researcher and over all nerd.

Glad I can be apart of something amazing.


Hey guys! Wassup! Im Alessio, better known as IlLaba
I’m from Italy and im a proud batch 3 user :sunglasses:
Love you all!


Sup everyone, it’s MattyB. I’m a musician who also does software engineering. I’m from New York City, I play the accordion, and love to take pictures.

Looking forward to see this forum grow since it gives us a more organized space to share ideas, and build on one another.


Hi everyone, my name is Mike. I am a cloud engineer in the Boston area. I’ve been in the tech industry for about 12 years now, doing various things from tech troubleshooting, coding and engineering work. I’m a musician mostly into metal music. I play guitar, bass, drums, sing. I also am into classical and play the trombone. Looking forward to rabbit getting better over time and building a community of creative and interesting people.


Hey guys it’s Keithtrippy from the discord. Avid fan of music, video games, art, and of course AI. Glad to be here!


I’m Chris from the Discord. I’m a data management coordinator and master data analyst for an integrated technology solutions company that has only just begun to dip their toes into the world of AI and LLMs.

I have several 3D printers (and even make some cases on Etsy for the R1) for one of many, many hobbies.


Happy birthday chris! :smile: :birthday:


Greeting from Canada . My name is Colin (colcamp) is my handle on Discord and happy to be invited to this forum and hope to see it grow to a fun place for r1 peeps to share. Been a techie guy since the 80s.


Thanks Justin! Much appreciated.


Hey all it’s Arnoldhacksonator nice to see you guys in here can’t wait to get my device I’m back six hopefully by then we can have some teach mode going. I’m excited for the future


Its me binary yeaaaaa


Foxplaid here

Hello everyone, I’m Foxplaid!

I have already made a post about myself so for that you can read it here:

read here

But things I didn’t include in there are the following:

Hobbies and interests:

  • I like to mess with AI
  • I do sometimes acrylic paint pouring paintings
  • I like gaming and I play a lot of different games
  • I like to collect speakers, especially Bluetooth speakers!
  • I’m very social on most well-known social media platforms and I like to engage in a lot of communities
  • I like memes and may share some from time to time

Hope to see you in the DMs or hanging out in posts

Happy Hour Party GIF by Two Lane Brewing


Hey guys, I’m Ben. I work in the AI&ML software space mainly with the FTSE 100, helping them tune and optimise, reduce costs, and increase efficiency within big data platforms like databircks, spark on Kubernetes and other big data distributions. I have worked in tech for 15+ years, so I have a solid understanding of how hard the challenge rabbit has set itself and what they are trying to build. :slight_smile:

Outside of work, I’m a gamer, surprise, surprise, and I love motorbikes with big engines!


Hey I’m RaRa, R1 fan, python amateur, AFOL👋


Brian here. Living in Ireland and often travel to Estonia where my long term girlfriend is from. Working as a wedding film maker

Probably one of the biggest haters of r1 asking tough questions but all that changed when I got it into hand day one. Even so early in development I found myself using it way more than I thought id use.

Used it to quickly look up keyboard shortcuts while learning davinci resolve
Used it a lot in Estonia as a translator. I was able to talk to family for the first time in 15 years. It was especially game changer in a pharmacy to explain my hay fever symptoms and make sure medicine given was non drowsy.

Id like to see voice used to changed settings so we dont have to five into the menu for things eg audio level.
I’d also like to see a real time translator feature so I can have an earphone in and listen to the conversation of family members. I see this useful at a conference in a different language and maybe looking up info on a YouTube clip looking for info or learning something.

Currently would like to see a focus move away from LAM in its current form or at least till something genuinely useful comes out. Id like to see it released only when it’s working.

Genuinely love the r1. Because its simply a single push of a button to get to what you want to do it beats using a LLM on a phone, it also beats the meta glasses when you want people around you to hear the answers.

Keep up the great work team and excited for the future


Hey everyone, clearly I’m one of those early adopter types. I’m a professional Community Manager.

In 2023 I had a stroke and while I have no longer term effects from it, it’s made me paranoid about my memory, and I’m hoping to us my r1 as a second brain.