desktop wallpaper

I love the little rabbit on my screen. I wish it had a backstory about being from a planet of rabbits that have advanced tech that runs on carrot energy…or atleast remember that I told it that. Anyway I’m hoping someone here has a 4k black wallpaper with the rabbit on it so I can put it as my desktop wallpaper. Or if someone could upload an animated version of it to wallpaper engine on steam that’d be sweet =P

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happy Easter :laughing: we are near…


like this. i made it by using the smaller version i found over a black image then used snipping tool followed by paint to clear the stuff from around it. buts its a little rigid around the edges b/c the original image was very small.


Oh I understand, you can use “screen to gif” (you can choose the portable version without install and you can launch it directly on windows) and you can record a gif like a video (

I hope this can help you!

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What is your screen resolution, I might be able to make a much better one, I need to know your screen resolution so it doesn’t look pixelated

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Thank you @RussOniPad my main monitor has a resolution of 3840x2160

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How is is, is the rabbit ok where its at?



More big :otarabbit:

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Thats just for Windows, correct, looks cool

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Why, how you are seeing this on Mac?

This is mine desktop guys… if you want I can explain how to obtain this …

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I’ve used a free wallpaper app from the Microsoft Store… it is called Lively Wallpaper, but this app there is also for Mac…

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I see it as rabbit-r1-bunny-ai2 not sure what to do with it, I can view it, but will it become a wallpaper its a gif and very low quality

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:slight_smile: loool ok, you are right… I’ve used the GIF with balck background but removing it the result was poor…


But this definitely the best one! You can also personalize it :wink:

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