the black rabbit project

I have a small suggestion for improvement that certainly won’t hurt.

What do you think about a second theme in which the “colors” are inverted?

The goal would be a black rabbit on a white background.

That would have great advantages for readability on the display in strong sunlight and the basic design concept would remain almost completely untouched.

@simon @alexmb @amandafoo @ashleyb @jesse @keith @lora @lydiayou @ryan @mattdomko


I would say the reason it’s the way it is (White on Black) is for battery usage reasons.


I think this assumption is wrong. I suspect this type of display would use less power if it were the other way around, because the backlight is always on anyway (if is in use) and the pixels only use power when they are dimmed to cover the backlight and thus also produce an image.

With an AMOLED display this would of course be different and your assumption would be 100% correct.

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FYI - these get reviewed :slight_smile: You don’t have to tag us :smiley:

Sorry, I will leave from now on.

guess focusing a little on the essentials first should be a priority :slight_smile: customisation later on ?


My suggestions are only for maybe sometime later anyway. It wasn’t meant any other way.


Hi @leahcim - thank you for the suggestion! :slight_smile: I like it.

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Doubling down on what Simon said! These have been super insightful :slight_smile: sorry the last message was short :frowning: I’m still getting used to forums, and should have thought about the tone that a short message like that would have sent :frowning: please keep the feedback/idea coming!

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All is well, i will of course continue motivating you (rabbit developers) with my world-changing, ground breaking ideas. :wink:

But right now I don’t know how else I can help you, except maybe with ideas and patience.

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