Accessibility options for r1

This is a topic to discuss potential accessibility options for r1. If you have ideas, feel free to drop them below. I’ve also created a discord thread where I’ll be copying ideas between here and there.


I posted this on discord:

A few suggestions for the blind and visually impaired;

  1. The option to have the settings menu voiced.
  2. The option to turn voice capability on for setup. (example is during the wifi password input using the keyboard)
  3. Have setup done online then sent to r1.
  4. The idea of a desktop app with accessible features or able to use the pc’s accessibility features.
  5. Haptic feedback for selection and when pressing the side key.
  6. A sound to let you know the r1 is listening when you press the side key and when you release it.
    These are just a few

I like these! Thinking about accessibility often leads to better design in general!


After using my r1 a bit, a few more thoughts came to mind.

  1. Voice actions such as camera on/off, camera orientation like front/back

  2. Camera auto focus and zoom. Possibly manual using scroll wheel to focus/zoom or start the auto focus/zoom.

  3. Font resizing features.

  4. Color filter or inversion features.

  5. Options to change voice; pitch, speed, and style

  6. Verbal indication charging has started/stopped.

  7. Verbal indication of power on/off

  8. Verbal low battery indication; icon change, on screen message

  9. Sound options to use beeps and ticks for menu navigation and/or actions.

These are just a few suggestions/ideas to help low vision users like myself

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I agree. Many of the accessibility features could benefit those who normally wouldn’t need/use them as well

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I agree too a lot of function have to be added to make the R1 accessible and they can be usefull for other users, we also discuss about that on the thread Support for Blind People In this tread we suggest to add theses functions:

  • A accessibility option for blind/visualy impaired in the setup menu
  • A voice activation of the accessibility option (Ex: Rabbit activate accessibility)
  • Be able to activate separatly each option in accessibility menu
  • Vocal message for R1 on/off (after accessibility was enabled)
  • Rabbit eye on/off (or open/closed)
  • Say setup menu after shake to confirm tou are in setup pages
  • Vocal description of the setup menu selected and current option ( note: the brightness/sound ans time can be set by voice request :smiley: )
  • Vocalised Keyboard
  • Message for low battery and network lost
  • Answer to “what is the battery level”
  • Vocal turn the R1 off, this function is nearly all done, you can access power off menu by asking"Rabbit power off the Rabbit" or “Rabbit go to setting and power off” but by defaut (back to) Setting is selected, if you can put “Hold to confirm” by default and a voice message “hold to confirm” and “powering off now” it will be just perfect :smiley: (can also be done by pressing 8x PTT , can be used if other options doesnt work )
  • Add a FX sound when calculation is longer than 3 seconds
  • Add a voice message when there is a OTA saying something like: “A OTA is needed, please plug the charger to allow update” , tell whats new with the OTA and the state of the update 'downloading, updating, verifying, rebooting now"
            **Useful functions for blind**
  • A link in the Rabbit hole to audio book library accounts like Audible and be able to play/listen a audio book with R1
  • Text to voice reading
  • Find a object with R1, do you see this object/if yes where is it



Thanks for sharing. Once again some of these will improve the general UX for everyone!


Adding 1 item from Karimgouda about a sound when R1 is ready to listen after we press the button, I also read in his thread that Rabbit team is workong on acessibility :smile: :