rabbit hole not working

getting this 400 error when i try to sign into my rabbit hole where it used to work and i was able to sign into Spotify and sites etc… https://hole.rabbit.tech/api/auth/callback?error=unauthorized&error_description=user%20is%20blocked&state=eyJyZXR1cm5UbyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vaG9sZS5yYWJiaXQudGVjaCJ9

Same here, HTTP ERROR 400

Have you heard of any fix? I would assume the rabbit company would kind of need to rest the account for us… but I haven’t heard back.

Looks like your account is marked as blocked as you can see in the URL. I would say contact support.

Mine is working I use this below link as a short cut on my phones Home Screen.


If above doesn’t work go to rabbit.tach main website
And go to support and rabbit hole you should be able to get in that way

Yeah it’s still giving me the same error. I’ve contacted Support over a week ago and they said someone was looking into it but never got back to me.

Odd I have been in and out of it all day no problem.

yeah it worked fine for a while…this is an issue that may only be happening to a small percentage of rabbit hole users i assume … for some unknown reason… Angus has mentioned this happening to him too…

Would recommend posting in the bug section instead:

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im getting an error code #6. I have tried iphone, laptop, rabbit.tech, and same error code. wth? @simon