Using Suno on LAM playground

Could someone please explain to me how I can generate a Suno song from R1? It worked great before and now I don’t understand the world anymore…

I tried it via LAM Playground and this is the result…


You need to use LAM playground (web) from rabbithole to navigate to the Suno website and login first. Then, r1 LAM will have the authorised connection, and you should be able to say to r1 LAM “navigate to website and generate a song about xyz”


Hi Simon, thank you for this discription but:

If i try it in Web-Mode the problem is the same. :frowning:
And it is not posible to delete the session…

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And another problem is that if I say “Suno”, r1 understands Zuno, Sono or something else and therefore unfortunately cannot reach So it would be great if you could save a URL like under a different keyword so that r1 then understands directly what is meant. I would like to be able to save as “Music IA” or “Songgenerator” or something like that, because I think r1 would then understand better what I mean. Almost like a personal bookmark in the web browser. @simon

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If this happens (unable to delete because of an active LAM session) you can try resetting the R1 with 5 ppt-clicks.

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Unfortunately not, if that had worked, I wouldn’t have bothered to write here and take screenshots.

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Or is it designed so that the website is visited via LAM from the Internet connection in r1’s network (my network)? @simon Then I have an idea… But at least deleting the session has worked right now. :slight_smile:

UPDATE: Now I just have to find out one thing, namely whether the problem I see in Browser could be related to the fact that is blocked in my network (which is supposed to be the case because I don’t like google and don’t want to use it).

UPDATE: It’s probably not just because is blocked on my network.

So the problem may have another cause.

UPDATE: By the way, it’s also good to see this other problem with and what r1 always understands (…

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I found the problem, it’s my slightly paranoid network settings. From another network everything works great after logging in to I love you @rabbit It’s just great and the idea behind how it works is really brilliant I think. But it would also be great if you could somehow get r1 to play the generated songs again. It would be enough for me if r1 could access the downloadable MP3 of the song and then stream it or save it in the Rabbithole. @simon



Returning data to r1 from Playground is definitely something we are exploring.


I tried something like that and it worked great, thank you for your great work! :idlerabbit:

Mit Rabbit r1 und LAM Playground schöne Songs mit SUNO generieren – DIE PERSÖNLICHE MEINUNG @simon @rabbit

Of course, I am also interested in your opinion on this. :heart:

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Nevertheless, I think that the way it worked before was much better because it took much less time to just say “please generate a song via …” and seconds later I had what I wanted… And now it is unfortunately much more complicated, so that sometimes I prefer to have my songs generated via my smartphone… But hopefully there will be a better solution for that soon…