Still having connection problems with my Tmobile iPhone and getting a hotspot to connect with the r1. Latest OTA update running 20240517.18/0.8.86(134D88B).
I 2nd this issue. I have never been able to connect my rabbit to the hotspot on my phone, even though it sees it. This limits my expected usage of the product, since I’m stuck only using it at home.
Thanks for reporting! Let me see what I can find out.
I tried to connect the r1 to an iPhone 12pro iOS 17.5.1 hotspot with an easy password
R1 sees the WiFi and starts to connect.
But fails.
(Same with an XR)
Privat WiFi works fine.
Public WiFi with captive portals not working.
If I can help supporting with more information about the issue. … let me know.
same. iPhone 13 Pro, t-mobile. devices sees the hotspot. attempts to connect. iPhone states a device is connected for a few seconds…then connection is dropped and r1 stats connection failed.
It seems to be an iPhone thing android doesn’t have as many problems. I have iPhone 12 Pro running iOS 17.6 beta 2 and the connection on the iPhone hotspot works ok most of the time. I found a cheap sim in the r1 seems to be better than hotspot from a iphone. As I don’t always carry my phone. I use cheap sim with 5GB data a month cancel any time, 30 days rolling contract with unlimited txt and calls for £5 per month. The sim in the r1 is as good as home WiFi. Most WiFi dropping is caused by poor signal or other WiFis in area being stronger and walking all over the your signal.
Nice workaround. And not solving the problem though.
Any news on this? I’m still having trouble connecting to iPhone hotspot.
I am using iphone12 pro with ios 17.6 beta 3.
The iPhone hotspot WiFi tether works great make sure the password on your iPhone hotspot is letters and numbers also that you have the maximise compatibility turned on. The r1 should see the WiFi from your phone and then when you go down to it the r1 will ask for you to input the password for the hotspot. It will be using the WiFi not Bluetooth.
I also have it on my iPhone XR ios 17.6 beta 3
Both work without a problem. The iPhone XR is on three network and o2. And the iPhone 12 is on Vodafone and O2. The r1 has Lebara Sim in should I need to use it. The r1 also connects without a problem to my home mobile broadband router connection that’s on three.
I’m on T-Mobile with a 13 pro. My hotspot password is all numbers. I can try adding a letter. But it would fail regardless if all of that including having maximum comparability toggled. I’m running the latest developmental beta fyi. It seems to be an iPhone issue. I think you are one of the very few without a problem. But looking at your carriers, it also appears that you aren’t US based either.
I am in UK. It’s something to do with your carrier are they allowing your to use your phone as a hotspot.
We’re still looking into this, but my understanding is that this is likely to be a T-Mobile issue. Since, we had a report that a T-Mobile SIM worked for hotspotting an r1 on an iPhone abroad, when it was connected to a different network for roaming.
That indicates it’s neither the device nor the SIM, but something to do with T-Mob’s network.
yep, iPads and MacBooks, and android devices alike all work from my iphone when in use as a hotspot.
still waiting for this fix, or at least some information about when it might happen.
my t-mobile hotspot works with every other device i’ve tried, r1 rabbit is the only device that won’t connect to it.
any progress here? will there ever be any?
I have T-Mobile, and r1 is on my hotspot now…
- iPhone 14 Pro
- Hotspot Name: Stormageddon
- Hotspot Password: thisismyhotspotpass
- Maximize Compatibility: on
Working great right now, check after this OTA and let us know?